The Challenge of Coordination in Management of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (covid-19) in Surabaya

Coordination Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Management


  • Choiriyah Basnawi
    Center of Policy Analyst Development Lembaga Administrasi Negara Republik Indonesia
June 21, 2021


Coordination is one of the important aspects in the management of Covid-19 handling in Surabaya. In its
implementation, some problems arise such as the problem of ego-sectoral that becomes one of the obstacles in
handling this coordination process. Problems related to coordination also appear in various mass media, this fact
shows that the problem of coordination related to Covid-19 handling in Surabaya is a strategic and interesting
issue to study. The writing method used in this paper is a literature review to find the formulation of appropriate
and effective forms of coordination patterns. The writer also collected Primary data from online discussions to
describe the pattern of coordination from the other Local Government Agencies as a form of best practice that
might be adopted in Surabaya so that they could build better management of Covid-19 handling in Surabaya.
The results showed that the pattern of coordination in the management of Covid-19 handling that is initiated by
the Surabaya City Government needs some improvement. In vertical coordination, it is necessary to strengthen
good coordination between the City Government of Surabaya and the Government of the Province of East Java.
For Horizontal coordination, Surabaya Government needs to reinforce the coordination with the city or district
government in the surrounding area. These things are necessary because Surabaya is an agglomeration area
where there are still many people who do mobility in and out. The conclusion from this study is that there is a
need to strengthen coordination patterns both vertically and horizontally with various stakeholders involved in
the management of Covid-19 handling in Surabaya. At the end of this paper, the researcher also gave a
recommendation and trying to show best practices in applying the coordination pattern that has been carried out
by other regional governments as a form of illustration that might be able to be adopted to improve Covid-19
handling in Surabaya.