The Influence of Perceived Organizational Support on Innovative Behavior With Organizational Commitment as a Mediating Variable on Employees of PT. Lay Brothers


2022-06-27 — Updated on 2022-06-20


Innovation at the individual or employee level is one of the best ways to develop a company. This study examines and analyzes several hypotheses including the influence of perceived organizational support on innovative behavior, the effect of perceived organizational support on organizational commitment and the effect of perceived organizational support on innovative behavior through organizational commitment as a mediator variable on employees of a developing retail company, namely PT. Brothers lay. In this study, the perception of organizational support uses the theory of Rhoades & Eisenberger (2002), innovative behavior uses the theory of De Jong (2010) and organizational commitment uses the theory of Meyer and Allen (1993). The results showed that there was a direct and indirect effect between the variables being tested. There is a direct influence between the perceived organizational support variables on innovative behavior of 0.439 with a significance of 0.000. There is an influence between the perceived organizational support variables on organizational commitment of 0.424 with a significance of 0.000. The last finding is that there is an indirect effect between perceptions of organizational support for innovative behavior through organizational commitment as a mediator variable of 0.142 with a significance of 0.000. This indicates that organizational commitment as a mediator variable is able to strengthen the relationship between perceived organizational support and innovative behavior.

Keywords: Perception of Organizational Support, Innovative Behavior, Organizational Commitment and Retail