Airlangga Development Journal 2024-12-02T11:45:25+07:00 Prof. Dr. H. Suparto Wijoyo, S.H., M.Hum Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Airlangga Development Journal</strong> seeks to provide a place for academics, researchers, and practitioners to publish <strong>Research Articles</strong> or <strong>Original Articles</strong>. The scope of the articles published in this journal discusses various social related topics. Airlangga Development Journal is a <strong>blind reviewed journal</strong> published by Universitas Airlangga. This journal is available in print and online and highly respects the publication ethics and avoids any type of plagiarism. The manuscript review process usually <strong>takes (on average) 4 to 8 weeks</strong>. This review period depends on the editors and reviewers' duration in reviewing the manuscript. If the author does not get confirmation from the ADJ for a long time, the author can confirm by email at </p> PHENOMENOLOGICAL QUALITATIVE STUDY OF THE FIRST EXPERIENCE OF BRIMOB TROOPS THE FIRING SQUAD EXECUTORS 2024-11-28T22:32:48+07:00 Nungky Ramadiany Hastaning Sakti <p>The aim of this study is to figure out on the first experience of Brimob troops as an executor of firing squad in Nusakambangan. The approach used in this study is qualitative with phenomenological method and the data analysis technique using Individual Phenomonenology Description (DFI). The subjects involved in this study are three Brimob troops who had been selected as an executor of firing squad using a purposive method. The method of collecting data is semi-structured interviews. The result of this study is that two subjects experienced a conflict when they were ordered to become the executor. The subjects were ready to carry out that order, but they thought of the sin of killing a people who have no resistance. Therefore, there were doubts to carry out that order. A spiritual guidance from <em>kyai</em> who came from Brimob was able to overcome the doubts and become the reinforcement to be sure to carry out their duty that night. Three subjects experienced anxiety before firing on the form of worrying about making mistake, so the subjects regulated their emotions. Entering the firing range, the subjects focused on the implementation so that they dared to shoot the convicted person. The impact of the execution made two subjects experience flashbacks by carrying out the execution and then they overcome them by letting the memories flow. Therefore, they could forget themselves as time went on and the activities at Brimob.</p> <p><strong>Keyword:</strong> Brimob Troops, Death Penalty, Executor of Firing Squad, Phenomenological Qualitative Study</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nungky Ramadiany, Hastaning Sakti EFFORTS OF THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN PROTECTION UNIT (PPA) IN RECOVERING PSYCHOLOGICAL AND DEEP TRAUMA IMPACTS ON VICTIMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE AT THE LOMBOK TIMUR POLICE STATION 2024-11-27T00:59:03+07:00 I Made Dharma Yulia Putra <p><em>The Women and Children Protection Unit is one of the institutions responsible for upholding the law. The PPA Unit is required to participate in supporting the realization of protection and overcoming criminal acts of violence against children, therefore the government has passed Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection and Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence, so that the Women and Children Protection Unit of the East Lombok Resort Police is required to be able to assist in the process of resolving and dealing with criminal acts of violence against women and children. The aim of this research is to analyze and understand the optimization of the services of the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) in recovering from the psychological impacts and deep trauma of victims of sexual violence at the East Lombok Police and to analyze and understand the obstacles to the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the East Lombok Police in Providing Recovery Services for the Psychological Impact and Deep Trauma of Sexual Violence Victims. The research method used in this research is Empirical Law. The results of this research are that the number of women who experience sexual violence is still very high. The state in its constitution is responsible for the protection, promotion, enforcement and fulfillment of the human rights of every individual as explained in Article 28I of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The state's protection for victims of sexual violence can also be seen from the formation and ratification of the Law. Number 12 of 2022 concerning Crime of Sexual Violence. In handling cases of sexual violence, a Women and Children Protection Unit was formed, this unit is specialized in handling victims, witnesses or suspects involving women and children who require special handling. The efforts that have been made by this unit to deal with cases of violence experienced by women and children are non-penal and penal efforts. The PPA Unit's optimization of victim recovery can also be seen in the case handling process as well as collaboration with community institutions and psychologists. Obstacles to victims' recovery are quite frequent and pervasive in society</em></p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Dharma Yulia Putra ANIE'S CHILDHOOD TRAUMA AND PSYCHOPATHY BEHAVIOUR IN LUCINDA BERRY’S NOVEL "THE PERFECT CHILD" 2024-11-28T22:36:12+07:00 Yusriya Wibisono Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin <p>This research aims to analyze the connection between childhood trauma and the behavior of one of the characters, Janie, in <em>The Perfect Child</em> novel by Lucinda Berry. This study employed a qualitative method and used Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis theory to obtain a deeper understanding, particularly the defense mechanisms and the tripartite model (<em>id</em>, <em>ego</em>, and <em>superego</em>). The study finds that there is an imbalance in Janie's personality structure that was caused by her childhood trauma, in particular, abuse and neglect that have been done by her birth mother, Becky. Thus, Janie's trauma triggered her psychological behavior, which tends to refer to signs of a child at risk of psychopathy, such as; aggression towards animals or pets, cheating on friends or enemies, or individuals who are neutral and bullying other children. Subsequently, due to Janie's trauma of her birth mother, she defends herself around women. Especially those who resemble mother figures.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yusriya Salsabila Wibisono, Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin THRIFT FASHION TRENDS AS A NEW CULTURE OF CONSUMERISM 2024-11-28T22:37:49+07:00 Sulissya Nur Syafa'ati Johny Alfian Khusyairi <p>The mushrooming phenomenon of fashion thrift in Indonesia has resulted in a new culture. The new culture is the consumption of young people on thrift fashion products.&nbsp; This research uses the qualitative descriptive method. The data was taken by filling out an open questionnaire to 10 respondents obtained through Instagram social media. The data obtained were then analyzed using the theory of the consumption society by Jean P. Baudrillard where the consumption of fashion thrift products not only pays attention to the value of the function of a garment but also the value of symbols in purchasing fashion thrift products. The results of this study show that the reasons respondents consume fashion thrift are because they accidentally found suitable products, complete collections, low product prices, products that are sold well and even some are products with well-known brands, and pride factors.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sulissya Nur Syafa'ati, Johny Alfian Khusyairi THE APPLICATION OF SEFL DECLARE SYSTEM ON HALAL GUARANTEE SYSTEM ON MICRO AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE 2024-11-28T22:39:15+07:00 Adik Dwi Putranto <p><em>Since the introduction of micro and medium enterprise and its legal acknowledgement in Indonesia, the development of these enterprises is growing steadily fast. Upcoming micro and medium enterprise in Indonesia has grown large and spread evenly throughout Indonesian archipelago. Seeing the growth, Indonesian government tried to accommodate the growth by introducing regulation to regulate and help them grow. One of the favor given by the government is the ease of Halal Certificate for these micro and medium enterprise. Usually, the Halal Certificate will be given by assessing the business. For micro and medium enterprises, they are given the choice to ‘self-declare’ their product as Halal without going through the usual process. However, in the implementation of this system, the standardization of Halal for ‘self-declare’ system need to be set straightly as if no proper procedure is given, there will be numerous non-halal product labelled as halal through the ‘self-declare’ system. The research has shown that through proper mechanism and by abiding the procedure given by the law, the standardization of halal throughout ‘self-declare’ system could be carried out in ease.</em></p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Adik Dwi Putranto THE EFFECT OF ORGANIZATIONAL INDUCEMENTS ON TURNOVER INTENTIONS: STUDY AT PT XYZ 2024-11-28T22:40:35+07:00 Dejita Norma Maghfirotun Nissa’ah <p><em>Turnover intention has become a serious factor that needs to be considered in organizational development. The solution to be able to generate Turnover Intention is to create commitment to employees for the organization by providing competitive incentives. This study aims to determine the effect of Organizational Inducements on Turnover Intention mediated by Affective Commitment. This study uses a quantitative approach using questionnaires and the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using SmartPLS3. Respondents in this study were permanent employees of PT XYZ around 100 people. The results is there is a significant and insignificant effect of Organizational Inducements on Turnover Intention. It shows the influence and significance of Affective Commitment as a mediation for PT XYZ employees. These results conclude that Affective Commitment can make full mediation of Material Inducements on Turnover Intention and full mediation of Development Inducements on Turnover Intention.</em></p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dejita Norma, Maghfirotun Nissa’ah LAW ENFORCEMENT BY THE POLICE AGAINST JUVENILE BRAWLERS RESULTING IN FATALITIES 2024-11-28T22:53:47+07:00 I Gede Gustiyana Wijaya Kusuma <p><em>Currently, the situation of the young generation is quite worrying, namely that almost every time in the mass media and electronic media there are reports of juvenile delinquency in the form of brawls between students and even crimes committed in the form of criminal acts of abuse or fighting, they have begun to abandon traditional methods of using wood or using force. physical, but now they have the courage to use sharp weapons which can not only result in injuries, they can even result in fatalities, as in one of the cases in the Pademangan District, North Jakarta. Looking at the examples of these cases, it can be said that brawls between students cannot be taken lightly, because if they are not handled seriously by the relevant parties, they will have a negative impact on the condition of students, the school environment and the community because the impact can also kill the lives of students who are still teenagers and has a long future. Therefore, there needs to be certainty in law enforcement by law enforcement officials to follow up on what punishments are given to perpetrators of brawls between students so that there is a deterrent effect and in the future there will be no more brawls between students. The research method used in this research is a qualitative method. The results of this research are that criminal law enforcement carried out by the Kademangan Police against perpetrators of brawls between students that resulted in death has basically been implemented, but the process from the identification stage to criminal action and the imposition of punishments needs to be effective. If law enforcement against students who engage in brawls is ineffective, this will result in the lack of legal certainty, order and legal protection. The obstacle in law enforcement is because the students are still minors, so the regulations used are still within the juvenile justice system. The results of the research show what sanctions are imposed on children who commit criminal acts and what the criminal responsibility of minors who commit murder is. First, the sanctions that can be imposed on minors who commit criminal acts are in accordance with what is regulated in Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, namely in the form of penalties and actions. Second, that the criminal responsibility of minors who commit murder is in accordance with the provisions regulated in the Criminal Code and Law no. 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System. </em></p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Gede Gustiyana Wijaya Kusuma AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY ON WOMEN'S REPRESENTATION IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2024-11-28T22:42:02+07:00 Renals Talaba <p>Affirmative policies and the low representation of women in the House of Representatives (DPR) indicate obstacles within the design of the electoral and party systems. Therefore, this study aims to identify the challenges posed by the operation of technical variables in both indirect and direct electoral systems regarding women's representation in the DPR. To achieve this goal, the study employs the Rational Choice Neoinstitutionalism (RCN) approach. This approach seeks to understand how systems, structures, and institutions are designed and interact to achieve specific objectives. The purpose of political institutionalization is to make political institutions more accountable, transparent, controlled, responsive, participatory, and rooted in the rule of law. This study adopts a literature review method, summarizing and analyzing ideas from various sources to develop an understanding and theory about affirmative policies, followed by a review of the operationalization of technical electoral variables within electoral regulations. The findings reveal that affirmative policies in Indonesia's democratic electoral system do not guarantee women's representation in the DPR. This is because affirmative policies are focused solely on electoral formulas, while other technical variables are deemed disadvantageous. This is evident from the number of women in the DPR from the 2004 to 2024 elections, where women's representation has not yet reached the critical mass threshold</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Renals Talaba THE ROLE OF YOUTH IN ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF YOUTH IN INDIA AND INDONESIA 2024-11-28T23:01:15+07:00 Sunil John <p><em>The interest in the youth and their contribution to the achievement of the SDG goals has increased in the recent times with academic research being undertaken by Governments to measure their role is a good sign towards creating opportunities for the young persons. Governments of India and Indonesia have taken a number of steps to encourage the youth to make a contribution to the achievement of the SDG goals especially those dealing with the eradication of poverty and gaining education and skills. In this article we will examine the measures taken by the governments to be compatible with the United Nations plan toaugment life and conditions of livelihood by 2030.</em></p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sunil John LANDSLIDE DISASTER MITIGATION BASED ON DISASTER RISK LEVEL IN GRESIK, EAST JAVA 2024-11-26T11:01:35+07:00 Shofwan Hadi Arief Hargono Hijrah Saputra <p><em>L</em><em>andslides are a natural disaster with a serious threat in Indonesia, especially in areas with vulnerable geographic conditions. Gresik Regency, East Java, is one such area that is prone to landslides. This research aims to identify mitigation measures that are appropriate to the level of landslide risk in Gresik Regency.</em> <em>The research method used is a descriptive approach by collecting secondary data from various reports and available data.</em> <em>The research results show that the proposed solution is to install an internet-based landslide Early Warning System (EWS) in locations that are prone to ground movement and landslides. This EWS is based on standard disaster risk assessment parameters, such as slope slope, slope direction, rock type, etc., which are adapted to regional conditions in Gresik Regency. Installation of this internet-based EWS has several innovative values, including providing added value for the organization and stakeholders, innovation in technology, can be replicated, can be applied sustainably, is in line with organizational values, and provides benefits to the organization. Short, medium and long</em><em>-</em><em>term activity stages are outlined to achieve successful implementation, including installing EWS, developing the latest formats and applications, as well as monitoring and outreach.</em> <em>The installation of an internet-based landslide EWS in Gresik Regency is an innovative step that has great potential to increase preparedness and reduce the impact of landslides. This EWS is in line with the values ​​of BPBD Gresik Regency and can be replicated by other agencies. Successful implementation depends on short, medium and long term planning steps, as well as ongoing efforts in system development and outreach to the community. It is hoped that this research can contribute to reducing the impact of landslides in Gresik Regency and similar areas in the future.</em></p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Shofwan Hadi, Arief Hargono, Hijrah Saputra