Call for paper
Biomolecular and Health Science Journal (BHSJ) E-ISSN: 2620-8636 is a scientific peer-reviewed medical doctor relevant to a medical doctor and other health-related professions by the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia. BHSJ provides a forum for original articles, review articles, and case reports and it will be published two times a year. Studies that focus on evaluating and understanding the complex medical importance are welcomed in BHSJ.
BHSJ will go onboard with Wolter-Kluwers publisher starting the next issue (Volume 5 No.2 October 2022).
Manuscript deadline: 15 July 2022
Focus and Scope: About the Journal : Biomolecular and Health Science Journal (
New manuscript submission will move to this link:
Video tutorial:
Cindy Fiona Arilian - 085746701280