BMP-7 Expression After Induction of Hydroxyapatite Bovine Tooth Graft Gel as A Socket Preservation of The Alveolar Bone (Laboratory Experimental of The Alveolar Bone)
Background: Hemisection is an endodontic surgical procedure that can leave alveolar bone defects. Changes in the dimensions of the alveolar bone can be minimized by preserving the alveolar bone socket using a bone graft. Induction of Hydroxyapatite Bovine Tooth Graft (HAp-BTG) in the alveolar bone socket is expected to increase the expression of BMP-7 which is a growth factor in osteogenesis. Purpose: To describe the increase in BMP-7 expression after induction of hydroxyapatite bovine tooth graft gel as a socket preservation of the alveolar bone of Wistar rats on the 14th and 28th days. Methods: 28 Wistar rats were extracted on the lower left incisor. Post-extraction sockets were induced by Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) as the control group and HAp-BTG + PEG as the treatment group. On the 14th and 28th day the Wistar rats were euthanized and the mandibles were taken. By using immunohistochemical staining on anatomic histopathological examination, BMP-7 expression was observed using a microscope with 1000í— magnification. The research results were analyzed using One Way ANOVA. Results: There was a significant increase in BMP-7 expression between the control group and the treatment group. Conclusion: BMP-7 expression after induction of hydroxyapatite bovine tooth graft gel as a socket preservation of the alveolar bone of Wistar rats increased on the 14th and 28th days.
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