Tubule Formation Segmentation Of Histopathological Image Of Breast Cancer By Using Clustering Method


August 11, 2020


Histopathological assessment is one of the examinations that allows the classification of breast cancer based on its level. Histopathological assessment factors are based on tubule formation, nuclear pleomorphism, and the mitotic count. This study only focused on tubule formation. The tubule formation was represented by a lumen surrounded a  nucleus. The segmentation of tubule histopathology of breast cancer method was using a combination of k-means clustering and graph cut. The image data used in this study were 15 images of breast cancer histopathology preparations using 5 variations in the number of clusters (k) in the k-means clustering method. The best results of tubule formation segmentation using k = 4, with an average value of balanced accuracy was 81.08% and the most optimal balanced accuracy results was 94.34%.

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