Image Contrast Enhancement in CT SCAN for Determining Cervical Cancer Area
The quality of the contrast enhancement, which is deemed to be vague in contrast between one region and another, is a problem that many doctors face once identifying their patients with CT scan images. Image correction was used in this study to help doctors gain good CT scan images. In addition to reducing errors in the administering of radiation doses during treatment, accurate images are used to locate and assess the extent of cancer in patients. In this study, a computer application program to improve image contrast was created using the linear regression equation method. In this investigation, the cancer area is still being manually marked by doctors. Additionally, the proportion of the cancer area in the image that the doctor marked from the corrected image is calculated by comparing the ratio of cancer pixels to body pixels. The severity of the cancer is estimated using the proportion of the affected area. The error percentage for the average improvement in application performance is 0.15689%.
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