Identification of Stroke with MRI Images Using the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) Method Based on Texture Features

LVQ GLCM Stroke Digital Image Processing Intelligence Rate


December 1, 2022


Research on the Identification of Stroke with MRI Imagery Using the Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) Method Based on Texture Features has been carried out. This study aims to determine the program's best parameters and the highest accuracy level of the stroke identification program. This research was conducted at Haji Sukolilo Hospital - Surabaya by obtaining 57 images of stroke patients and 15 images of regular patients. The study used the intelligence of stroke, tumor, and standard images to determine each category's image characteristics. After knowing the differences in each class, the next process is digital image processing, followed by feature extraction used is the Gray-Level Co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) with four parameters: contrast, correlation, diversity, and homogeneity. These four parameters are the best input parameters with an intelligence rate of 0.100 with a decrease in intelligence rate of 0.100, so the best accuracy value for training is 74.97%, and test data is 78.60%. Regarding the program's ability to correctly identify 11 data from 14 data tested, the program is feasible to be used as a second opinion.