The Implementation of Channel Area Thresholding in Early Detection System of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI)
Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are infectious diseases that affect both children and adults, particularly in the context of climate change. Bacteria are one of the causes of ARI. According to the government, the discovery of the bacteria that cause ARI is an indicator of successful management of infectious diseases. The current obstacle is the limited number of medical analysts, which results in longer microscopic examination times and requires a high level of objectivity. Therefore, a system for the early detection of ARI-causing bacteria was developed using digital image processing techniques, specifically channel area thresholding as one of the segmentation methods. This research employs four shape features for bacterial classification: the number of bacterial colonies, area, perimeter, and shape. The Naí¯ve Bayes intelligent system method is used for the classification process. The system had an accuracy rate of 86.84% in the classification of four types of bacteria: S. aureus, S. pneumoniae, C. diphteriae and M. tuberculosis
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