EMG Instrumentation Modeling and Feature Processing Based On Discrete Wavelet Transform
Electromyography (EMG) instrumentation is essential in generating electrical signals from skeletal muscles. EMG sensors are helpful in various cases requiring the detection of human muscle contractions, neuromuscular disorders, and rehabilitation. EMG instrumentation is divided into two parts, namely, the analogue part and the digital part. The EMG instrumentation design comprises a digital-to-analog converter (DAC), instrumentation amplifier, filter, and analog-to-digital converter (ADC). Meanwhile, in digital signal processing adopting the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) method, frequency analysis using DWT has proven superior. It is used in various research and has exceptionally detailed coefficient features for classifying neuromuscular disease signals. Therefore, this research aims to design analogue and digital EMG instrumentation and identify features in the form of detailed coefficients. The data used are two Physionet signals from the anterior tibialis body with myopathy and neuropathy disorders. The results obtained for EMG analogue instrumentation provide the expected results until they reach the filter component stage. The resulting signal forms a block in the filter component, different from the initial EMG signal. Meanwhile, the DWT decomposition results are of the Daubechies4 wavelet type with the highest level 17, which has a high detail coefficient at low frequencies, high dilation and the result of a mixture of neuropathy and myopathy EMG signals, or in other words, at low energies, this result is by the DWT theorem. Determining the efficiency of the DWT detailed coefficient feature requires further study with the same signal subject. The DWT features obtained can then be developed for various needs in EMG signal recognition.
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