Indonesian Journal of Community Health Nursing <p><strong>Indonesian Journal of Community Health Nursing (IJCHN)</strong> is a scientific media periodically published twice a year (February and August) which contains scientific articles on health and nursing related explicitly to the topic of community health nursing published by the Department of Psychiatric and Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Airlangga. This journal is a medium for writers from students, lecturers and researchers to be able to publish scientific work and the results of the latest research to support progress in the field of community health nursing. It was first published online in 2019, since Volume 4. It is obtained p-ISSN: <a href="">2355-3391</a> and e-ISSN: <a href="">2656-4602</a>. Since 2020, IJCHN has been accredited Sinta 4 by Indonesia's Ministry of Science, Research, Technology and Higher Education.</p> en-US <p>1. The journal allows the author to hold the copyright of the article without restrictions.</p><p>2. The journal allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions.</p><p>3. The legal formal aspect of journal publication accessibility refers to Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY).</p> (Dianis Wulan Sari) (Teguh Dwi Saputro, S.Kep., Ns.) Wed, 05 Feb 2025 11:12:05 +0700 OJS 60 ENVIRONMENTAL RISK FACTOR ANALYSIS OF PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria and often attacks lung tissue. TB is one of the ten highest causes of death worldwide. The death rate of TB in Indonesia reaches 140,000 people per year. In 2020, the highest TB cases in Padang are in the Andalas Public Health Center, which is 106 cases. The spread of TB is closely related to the environmental conditions such as the physical condition of the house. This study aims to determine the environmental risk of pulmonary tuberculosis.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> This research was observational research with case-control study design. This research was conducted at Andalas Public Health Center (PHC) on Dec 24, 2022 – Feb 16, 2023. The sampling technique used purposive sampling with ratio 1:1, namely 39 houses with pulmonary tuberculosis and 39 houses without pulmonary tuberculosis. Data collection used observation and interview technique. Independent variable in this research is occupancy density, humidity, ventilation to area ratio, and house lighting and pulmonary tuberculosis as dependent variable. Research instrument in the form of questioner, observation sheet, luxmeter, thermo-hygrometer, and roll-meter. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate, and multivariate.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong><strong>:</strong> The results showed that occupancy density (OR: 0,267 CI95% 0,051-1,387), humidity (OR:0,661 CI 95% 0,145-3,013), ventilation to area ratio (OR: 0,042 CI 95% 0,007-0,232), and house lighting (OR: 0,183 CI 95% 0,044- 0,759), were related to pulmonary tuberculosis incidence. The multivariate results showed that there was a relationship between house lighting and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis after controlling of confounding variables.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: Occupancy density, humidity, ventilation to area ratio, and house lighting, have been proven to be related to pulmonary tuberculosis incidence. House lighting was the most influential factor of pulmonary tuberculosis in Andalas Public Health Center Working Area. Healthy house needs to encourage to reduce the spreading and the incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis.</p> Fadillah Ulva, Nailul Hikmi Copyright (c) 2025 Fadillah Ulva, Nailul Hikmi Wed, 05 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 IMPACT OF TRANSCULTURAL NURSING-BASED CULTURE AND LIFESTYLE ON THE SUCCESS OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFED <p>Introduction: According to transcultural nursing theory, universal and specific care approaches for <br>people's health and wellbeing will be influenced by people's or groups' culture, values, beliefs, and <br>practices. Infant mortality rates for babies who are not exclusively breastfed are high (IMR).<br>Methods: Cross-sectional analysis was performed in this study. 289 respondents made up the study's <br>sample size. Chi Square was used in the statistical analysis.<br>Results: 64 respondents (22%), who placed a high priority on cultural norms and lifestyle, exclusively <br>breastfed their infants. In contrast, 41 respondents (14%) did not exclusively breastfeed their infants.<br>Conclusion: cultural negotiations will increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding</p> Yoga Hadi Narendra Copyright (c) 2025 Yoga Hadi Narendra Wed, 05 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 ANALYSIS OF FAMILY NURSING CARE THROUGH THE INTERVENTION OF EUCALYPTUS OIL INHALATION AND HONEY GINGER DRINKS FOR TODDLERS EXPERIENCING ACUTE RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION IN RW 001 GROGOL VILLAGE, DEPOK CITY <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) is one of the most common problems experienced by toddlers. Symptoms such as cough with phlegm or dry cough and nasal congestion are clinical manifestations of ARI. This paper aims to determine the effect of eucalyptus oil inhalation therapy and the provision of ginger honey drink on toddlers ARI in RW 001 Grogol Village, Depok City.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> Eucalyptus oil inhalation therapy and honey ginger drink administration were carried out for 3 meetings, where each meeting was carried out inhalation for ± 10-15 minutes and continued by giving honey ginger drink.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>After the intervention, the results showed that there was a decrease in the sound of ronkhi in the lung lobe and the appearance of mucus coming out of the airway,, indicating that eucalyptus oil inhalation therapy and honey ginger drink can reduce ARI symptoms. It can be concluded that the provision of eucalyptus oil inhalation therapy interventions and ginger honey drinks can reduce ARI in toddlers.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>therefore community nurses are expected to provide complementary ARI therapy procedures to parents so that parents can apply the therapy when their toddler experiences ARI.</p> Nourmayansa Vidya Anggraini, Nabilla Asmarany Copyright (c) 2025 Nourmayansa Vidya Anggraini, Nabilla Asmarany Wed, 05 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BREAKFAST HABITS AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>The nutritional status of school-age children is still a problem and a global concern, the incidence of malnutrition in the world reaches 149.2 million children. One of the influencing factors is breakfast habits. The importance of a healthy breakfast can meet 15-30% of the recommended daily nutritional needs. This study aims to analyze the relationship between breakfast habits and the nutritional status of school-age children. <strong>Methods: </strong>This type of research is a correlational analytical study with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 90 elementary school students were recruited by total sampling. Data collection was carried out using a breakfast habit questionnaire filled out by respondents and nutritional status was determined based on body weight and height measurements. Data analysis was carried out to determine the frequency distribution and percentage of each variable studied. The statistical analysis used was the Spearman rho test (p value &lt;0.5). <strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that most students had poor breakfast habits (66.7%) and poor nutritional status (60%). The results of the relationship test showed that there was a relationship between breakfast habits and nutritional status (p = 0.000). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Breakfast habits related to the nutritional status of elementary school students, it is expected that parents can improve their parenting patterns and knowledge of the importance of breakfast for children properly and balanced nutritional intake so that nutritional status is in the good category.</p> Diah Priyantini, Aries Chandra Ananditha, Yuanita Wulandari, Yasmin Azahra Copyright (c) 2025 Diah Priyantini, Aries Chandra Ananditha, Yuanita Wulandari, Yasmin Azahra Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 THE EFFECT OF EYE GYMNASTICS ON COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME IN EMMAUS SURABAYA FEMALE DORMITORY STUDENTS <p><em>The used of gadgets was increased greatly, gadgets have many benefits in the world of education, especially for students in the learned process. Excessive used of gadgets can cause complained of eye disorders called computer vision syndrome. The phenomenon found in female students at the Emaus Putri Dormitory in Surabaya, was that most of them experienced computer vision syndrome. One of the efforted to prevented and overcome computer vision syndrome was to did eye exercised. This studied aimed to determined the effected of eye exercised on computer vision syndrome. The method used was pre-experimental with a one-group-pre-post-test design researched design. The independent variable was eye exercised and the dependent variable was computer vision syndrome. The sample size was took used a total sampling technique with a sample of 44 female students at the Emaus Girls' Dormitory Surabaya. The instrument used was the CVS-Q questionnaire and used the Wilcoxon statistical test. Based on the results of the study before eye exercised, 38 (82%) respondents experienced computer vision syndrome, and after eye exercised, the number of respondents who experienced computer vision syndrome decreased to 17 (39%). The results of the Wilcoxon test showed a p value of (0.000) &lt; α (0.05) which means that eye exercised have an effected in reduced the score of computer vision syndrome. By &nbsp;to eye exercised regularly can reduced the symptoms of computer vision syndrome.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Computer Vision Syndrome, Eye Exercises</em></strong></p> Kanisia Vermina Woge, Cicilia Wahju Djajanti, Ni Luh Agustini Purnama Copyright (c) 2025 Kanisia Vermina Woge, Cicilia Wahju Djajanti, Ni Luh Agustini Purnama Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 EXERCISE STRETCHING AS AN INTERVENTION TO PREVENT BACK PAIN IN HOME INDUSTRY SHOES KAB. GARUT: A CASE REPORT <p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Working positions that are not in accordance with the principles of body ergonomics will cause work-related illnesses, namely complaints of back pain. Risk factors that can trigger discomfort in the back area include age, body mass index, length of work, type of work chair, sitting position, and physical activity performed. Stretching exercises can increase muscle blood circulation causing spasm and reduced ischemia so that the metabolism of materials needed by the body becomes well dispersed and processes the elimination of waste materials that are not needed by the body more efficiently</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to increase knowledge about how to deal with back pain in workers.</p> <p><strong>Method:</strong> This type of research used a qualitative study method with a total sample of 8 male workers, all workers did not know about ergonomic positions and there were 6 workers who experienced complaints of back pain.</p> <p><strong>Result:</strong>Actions that can be used to increase knowledge and reduce pain levels in workers withproviding health education on ergonomic positions and stretching exercises.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong>Based on these actions, workers already know and understand about ergonomic positions that can be applied in the workplace and after doing 12 stretching exercises the workers stated that being more relaxed and comfortable between work, the felt back pain also reduced, to a scale of 2 .</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Back Pain, Stretching Exercises, Worker</p> Akmal Sybromiilsy, Dadang Purnama, Adelse Prima Mulya, Witdiawati Copyright (c) 2025 Akmal Sybromiilsy, Dadang Purnama, Adelse Prima Mulya, Witdiawati Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700 THE TUBERCULOSIS TREATMENT OUTCOMES AND ASSOCIATED RISK FACTORS AMONG TUBERCULOSIS PATIENTS IN BULE HORA TEACHING HOSPITAL, SOUTHERN ETHIOPIA, 2021: RETROSPECTIVE CROSS SECTIONAL STUDY <p><strong>Background:</strong> In Ethiopia Tuberculosis is the leading causes of morbidity. The incidence of all forms of TB in the Ethiopia was 379/100000 population which is the second on the Africa continent. There are high discrepancies in the result of treatment outcome being reported from the different region of the country with frequent poor treatment outcomes particularly from the southern Ethiopia. Thus, this study aims to assess tuberculosis treatment outcomes and associated factors among tuberculosis patients in Bule Hora University Teaching Hospital, Southern Ethiopia</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> Facility based retrospective cross-sectional document review of 380 patients was conducted to assess the Tuberculosis treatment outcome and associated factors from tuberculosis patients' document registration. Data was entered into the computer using Epi-data software version 3.2 and exported to SPSS software version 25 for analysis.&nbsp; Bivariate and multivariate analysis with 95% confidence intervals were employed to infer associations between the independent and dependent variables.</p> <p><strong>Result: </strong>The documents of 380 tuberculosis patients were reviewed. Among this patients, 87.9% were successfully treated where as 12.1% of the patients were unsuccessfully treated. From this, 53.4% and 34.5% patients were cured and completed the treatment, respectively, where as 3.7%, 5.8%, and 2.6% patients were died, treatment failure, and defaulted, respectively during the follow-up.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong>&nbsp; The Tuberculosis treatment outcome for the present study was 87.9%, which was lower than national target which was&nbsp;&nbsp; &gt;96% and global target &gt;90% which required improvement. Among 12%.1 of unsuccessful TB treatment outcomes, 6.8% of them were HIV positive. The higher unsuccessful Tuberculosis treatment outcomes among HIV positive patients suggests the need to strengthen adherence education and supervision.</p> Dawit Gelgelo Copyright (c) 2025 Dawit Gelgelo Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0700