Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal <p><strong>Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal</strong> (<a href=""><strong>e-ISSN 2656-7806</strong></a>) is a peer-reviewed, open access scientific journal published by <strong>Universitas Airlangga.</strong> The scope for<strong> Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal</strong> consist of all aspect of midwifery discipline, Obstetrics (pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care ), Maternal and child health, Sexual, contraception and reproductive health, Child and Adolescent health. Articles published are include original articles, literature reviews, and case report. Articles should be written in English. Contributors for <strong>Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal</strong> are researchers, lecturers, students, midwifery practitioners and other practitioners that focus on midwifery and health sciences in Indonesia and worldwide.</p> UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA en-US Indonesian Midwifery and Health Sciences Journal 2656-7806 <p>1. The journal allows <span class="m_-8872622167488361851m_3889253648079045002m_3801934354951983127m_-2782718132241447849m_-7691471417709598651m_7256872056212528454m_3794665997207553305gmail-animated">the author to hold the copyright of the article without restrictions</span>.</p><p align="justify">2. The journal allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions</p><p align="justify">3. <span>The formal legal aspect of journal publication accessibility refers to Creative Commons Atribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA).</span></p><p align="justify"> </p><p><a href="" rel="license"><img src="" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p><p> This Journal (<a href="" target="_blank">e-ISSN 2656-7806</a>) is licensed under a <a href="" rel="license">Creative Commons Attributi</a><a href="" rel="license">on-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p><p align="justify"><span><br /></span></p> THE IMPACT OF TELEHEALTH ON PSYCHOSOCIAL WELL-BEING AND PATIENT SATISFACTION DURING PREGNANCY: A LITERATURE REVIEW <p><strong>Background</strong>: Telehealth has rapidly evolved as a critical tool in healthcare, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, enhancing access to care across various medical fields, including prenatal care. While telehealth offers potential benefits such as improved healthcare access and reduced travel for pregnant women, its impact on psychosocial well-being and patient satisfaction during pregnancy remains insufficiently explored. This literature review aimed to explore the impact of telehealth on psychosocial well-being and patient satisfaction during pregnancy. <strong>Methods</strong>: This literature review employed the PICO method to develop the review question, focusing on randomized controlled trials published between 2020 and 2024, identified through SCOPUS, PubMed, and Google Scholar using specific keywords related to telehealth, pregnancy, and well-being.<strong> Result:</strong> Six relevant articles meeting the inclusion criteria. The review found that telehealth interventions during pregnancy improved psychosocial well-being by reducing stress and anxiety, enhancing social support, and increasing patient satisfaction compared to conventional prenatal care methods. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The literature review concludes that telehealth may an effective approach to pregnancy care, providing accessible and continuous support through online consultations that overcome geographical challenges. The evidence suggests that telehealth enhances patient satisfaction and psychological well-being by offering a convenient, flexible, and personalized alternative to conventional in-person visits.</p> Ira Nurwahyu Kusuma Farida Fitriana Copyright (c) 2024 Ira Nurwahyu Kusuma, Farida Fitriana 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 441 459 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.441-459 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POSTPARTUM ANXIETY AND BABY BLUES SYNDROME AT UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA HOSPITAL <p><strong>Background: </strong>Postpartum mothers are vulnerable to mental health problems, including baby blues syndrome, which occurs in the first week. Baby blues syndrome has the potential to predict postpartum depression, and if left untreated, it can lead to more severe mental disorders. This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of postpartum maternal anxiety and the occurrence of baby blues syndrome at Universitas Airlangga Hospital. <strong>Method</strong>: This was a quantitative study with an observational analytic method and a cross-sectional design. The population in this study was mothers 1-2 days postpartum who were treated at Universitas Airlangga Hospital in December 2023. The study involved 33 postpartum mothers sampled using the consecutive sampling method. The instruments used were questionnaires, the Perinatal Anxiety Screening Scale (PASS) to measure anxiety and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) to measure symptoms of baby blues syndrome. The analysis method used was the chi-square test. <strong>Results</strong>: Respondents with anxiety without symptoms were 12 (36.36%), none of whom experienced baby blues syndrome. Out of 16 respondents with mild to moderate anxiety and experienced baby blues syndrome, one person (3.03%) did. And out of 5 respondents with severe anxiety and experienced baby blues syndrome, one person (3.03%). The p-value of 0.289 based on the chi-square test. <strong>Conclusion</strong>: The level of anxiety in postpartum mothers is not related to the incidence of Baby Blues Syndrome.</p> Intan Fairuz Zakia Dwi Izzati Atika Atika Copyright (c) 2024 Intan Fairuz Zakia, Dwi Izzati, Atika Atika 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 326 339 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.326-339 THE EFFECT OF SPINACH CONSUMPTION ON INCREASING HAEMOGLOBIN IN PREGNANT WOMEN <p><strong>Background</strong>: Anemia is a symptom of a lack of red blood cells due to low hemoglobin levels. Based on the performance assessment report of the Tuban Regency Senori Community Health Center East Java Indonesia in 2022, it was found that 36.65% of pregnant women experienced anemia. This shows that there are still many pregnant women who experience anemia and need treatment. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of spinach consumption on increasing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women. <strong>Method</strong><strong>:</strong> quasi experiment with One Group Pretest-Posttest design. The sample in this study was 16 pregnant women with anemia in the Senori Community Health Center Tuban Regency East Java Indonesia, who met the inclusion criteria. The research instrument used an observation sheet to determine hemoglobin levels in the blood before and after consuming green spinach, an easy touch Hb level check tool. Data were analyzed using paired T-test. <strong>Result :</strong> The average Hb level of pregnant women before the intervention was 10.20 gr% and after the intervention was 11.18 gr%, the results of the paired t-test showed a significance value = 0.000, so the significance value (2-tailed) &lt; α (0 .05) which shows that there is an effect of spinach consumption on increasing hemoglobin levels in pregnant women.<strong> Conclusion :</strong> There is an effect of spinach consumption on increasing Hb levels in pregnant women. Integrated ANC activities are expected to be carried out routinely so that pregnant women who experience anemia can be detected early and health workers can provide explanations to pregnant women about the dangers of anemia during pregnancy and the consumption of spinach and its benefits.</p> Umu Qonitun Suhartatik Suhartatik Copyright (c) 2024 Umu Qonitun, Suhartatik Suhartatik 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 340 350 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.340-350 AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF NUTRITIONAL STYLE, NUTRITIONAL STATUS, AND MENTAL HEALTH IN THE PRECONCEPTION PERIOD : (TOWARDS OPTIMAL PREGNANCY OUTCOMES) <p><strong>Background</strong>: The preconception period is a crucial period to optimize maternal and fetal health. Preconception nutrition can affect nutritional status and mental health which has an impact on pregnancy readiness. This study aims to analyze the correlation between nutrition and nutritional status and mental health during the preconception period. <strong>Method</strong><strong>:</strong> This study used a prospective cohort study involving women of childbearing age selected by stratified random sampling to obtain 129 respondents. Nutritional Style data were collected through FFQ questionnaires, nutritional status was measured through anthropometry and Hemoglobin examination, and mental health was measured using the DASS questionnaire. Data collection was carried out three times and analyzed using the Pearson correlation test, multiple linear regression and the Wilcoxon test for longitudinal analysis. <strong>Result:</strong> The results showed that there was no significant correlation between Nutritional Style and BMI (p-value&gt;0.05). However, there was a significant correlation between Nutritional Style and the incidence of anemia, the strongest correlation in the first measurement (p-value 0.001) and the second measurement (p-value 0.049). A significant correlation was found between Nutritional Style and mental health, especially anxiety in the first measurement (p-value 0.022), the second measurement (p-value 0.006) and the third measurement (p-value 0.029), but not with stress and depression. There was a significant increase in nutritional status from the first to the second measurement (p-value 0.020) and the first to the third measurement (p-value 0.003). There was a significant decrease in anxiety from the first to the second measurement (p-value 0.034) and the first to the third measurement (p-value 0.000). <strong>Conclusion :</strong> Good Nutritional Style during preconception can improve nutritional status and minimize mental health risk. Nutrition intervention programs are needed to improve knowledge and implementation of healthy food nutrition. In addition, regular monitoring of nutritional status and mental health is also needed to optimize pregnancy readiness.</p> Nur Cholila Nur Maziyah Hurin'in Tri Yunita Fitria Damayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Cholila, Nur Maziyah Hurin'in, Tri Yunita Fitria Damayanti 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 351 370 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.351-370 CORRELATION BETWEEN MATERNAL EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT STATUS WITH EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING HISTORY <p><strong>Background</strong>: In 2022, the sole lactation coverage rate in Indonesia was recorded at 67.96%. According to the East Java Provincial Health Office, 67.54% of women in the province of East Java were exclusively nursing in 2022. This falls very short of the 80% goal set by the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Health in 2020. Infants require breast milk and adequate nutrition to increase their nutrient levels during growth. Exclusive breastfeeding cannot be optimally provided due to various factors such as maternal education history, which influences the mother's limited knowledge about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding maternal employment. These two factors affect the provision of exclusive breastfeeding to infants. Given the foregoing context, the study's goal was to discover how a mother's job description affected her history of exclusive breastfeeding. <strong>Method</strong><strong>:</strong> The study employed a cross-sectional strategy and a quantitative, analytical observational design. Purposive sampling was used to choose 111 participants for the study, who were all mothers with infants between the ages of 6 and 12 months. The study will be carried out in Madiun City's Public health Service Tawangrejo East Java, Indonesia. operational region. This study was conducted from February to April 2024. Data collection utilizes questionnaires. The chi-square test was used to analyze the data. <strong>Result: </strong>The p-value is 0.03 or less than 0.05, showing that the history of exclusive breastfeeding was significantly correlated with the mother's employment position and educational attainment. Mothers with a history of exclusive breastfeeding have a poor association between their employment status and education, as indicated by their correlation coefficient (R) value of 0.362. <strong>Conclusion :</strong> there is a relationship between education, employment level, and history of exclusive breastfeeding at the Tawangrejo Community Health Center in Madiun, East Java, Indonesia.</p> Anggraini Dyah Setiyarini Dwi Margareta Andini Copyright (c) 2024 Anggraini Dyah Setiyarini, Dwi Margareta Andini 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 371 377 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.371-377 HEALTH EDUCATION ON MATERNAL KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDES IN BABY MASSAGE INDEPENDENTLY <p><strong>Background: </strong>Baby massage is a comfortable form of communication between mother and baby. Benefits of regular baby massage with proper techniques include increased baby weight gain, improved breast milk production, reduced maternal anxiety, and stronger bonding. <strong>Method:</strong> Quantitative research using a cross-sectional approach. Data analysis was conducted using univariate and bivariate techniques with chi-square statistical tests. The sample in this study consisted of 45 mothers with babies aged 0–12 months in Kedak Village, Semen, Kediri Regency. Sampling technique with accidental sampling. Respondents were given a questionnaire before and after participating in a health education session conducted using audiovisual media and leaflets.<strong> Result:</strong>The bivariate analysis using the chi-square test showed the value of Asymp. A significant relationship was found between pre-health education and the knowledge and attitude of mothers in massaging their baby independently, with a p-value of 0.000. Post-health education, the Asymp. significance level of p-value 0.001 indicates a relationship between mothers' knowledge and their attitude towards independently massaging their babies after health education.<strong> Conclusion:</strong> There is a relationship between health education and mothers' knowledge and attitude towards independently massaging their babies.</p> Candra Dewinataningtyas nataningtyas Nareswari Diska Nugraha Nugraha Copyright (c) 2024 Candra Dewinataningtyas nataningtyas, Nareswari Diska Nugraha Nugraha 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 378 386 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.378-386 PRE-CONCEPTION READINESS AMONG PROSPECTIVE BRIDES <p><strong>Background:</strong> Preconception is the best preparation time for the First 1000 Days of Pregnancy. Prospective brides are a group that must receive attention and monitoring regarding health conditions, including nutritional status, to prepare for pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby. This research aims to determine the preconception nutritional readiness of prospective brides.<strong> Method</strong>: This type of research was quantitative with a cross-sectional descriptive design. The population in the study was 30 prospective brides and was obtained using a consecutive sampling technique of 20 prospective brides. The variables studied were the bride and groom's sociodemographic data, including age, highest level of education, work status, and sources of nutrition and health information. Other variables studied were body mass index nutritional status, chronic lack of energy status, anemia status, energy, protein, iron, calcium, folic acid intake, ferro supplementation and folic acid supplementation, and preconception nutritional knowledge. The collected data will be entered and processed using Microsoft Excel and SPSS, then analyzed univariately using a descriptive frequency test. <strong>Results</strong>: The results of this study show that the sociodemographics of the majority of prospective brides are in the early adult age category (55%), have secondary education (75%), are not working (75%), and receive health and nutritional information from health workers (45%). Adequate energy intake level (75%), insufficient protein (55%), insufficient iron (85%), insufficient calcium (95%), insufficient folic acid (100%), no supplementation (85%), nutritional status of each -respectively normal and obese (35%), not CED (60%), not anemic (80%), lacking knowledge (70%), and lacking preconception nutritional readiness (85%). <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Most prospective brides cannot meet at least half of the preconception nutritional readiness indicators measured.</p> Syihabul Millah Devi Arine Kusumawardani, S.Keb., M.Kes. Septi Nur Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Syihabul Millah, Devi Arine Kusumawardani, S.Keb., M.Kes., Septi Nur Rahmawati 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 387 403 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.387-403 DETERMINANT FACTORS AFFECTING THE INCIDENCE OF PLACENTA ACCRETA <p><strong>Background:</strong> Placenta accreta is a rare condition during pregnancy characterized by abnormal placentation that can increase maternal morbidity and mortality. The increase in the incidence of placenta accreta is directly related to the increase in section caesarean rates. The maternal mortality rate in NTB in 2021 was 15% due to hemorrhage, in 2022 there was an increase in the incidence of placenta accreta at the NTB Provincial Hospital. The aim of the research is to identify the determinant factors affecting the incidence of placenta accreta at the NTB Provincial Hospital in 2022. <strong>Methods:</strong> This was a descriptive observational study. The population in this study were all mothers who delivered at the NTB Provincial Hospital from January to December 2022. The sample number was 50 patients diagnosed with placenta accreta. The sampling technique used was total sampling with the research variable of maternal characteristics. Data were collected from the medical records of mothers with placenta accreta from January to December 2022, and the results were analyzed using descriptive analysis. <strong>Results:</strong> Placenta accreta patients were more common in mothers with age ≤ 35 years with a median of 34.34 ± 4.28, multiparous parity (76%), overweight BMI (54%), 3-9 years labour spacing (82%), history of SC ˂ 2 times (52%) and ≥ 2 times (48%), and with a history of uterine surgery 24%. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> Determinant factors that affect the incidence of placenta accreta in NTB Provincial Hospital in 2022 are mothers with age &lt; 35 years, multigravida, overweight body mass index, mostly with a parity of 3-9 years, without degenerative diseases, all have a history of cesarean section and almost a quarter have a history of other operations on the uterus.</p> novita dwihastuti hakim Dwi Izzati Ernawati Copyright (c) 2024 novita dwihastuti hakim, Dwi Izzati, Ernawati 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 404 414 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.404-414 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF RISK FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH LEUKORRHEA IN FEMALE STUDENTS <p><strong>Background </strong>: The importance of reproductive health awareness for women, as women are vulnerable to infectious diseases. One of the reproductive health problems is leukorrhea, which is the discharge of genital fluid that is not blood but is often ignored. In fact, leukorrhea can be fatal if left untreated. According to WHO, around 90% of Indonesian women are at risk of developing leukorrhea. This is due to the tropical climate in Indonesia, which supports the growth of fungi, one of the causes of leukorrhea. <strong>Method</strong>: This study used an observational analytic approach with a cross-sectional research design. The sample size was 131 female students, who were selected by total sampling. The independent variables in this study were age, BMI, stress level, vulva hygiene knowledge, and vulva hygiene behavior. Data analysis was performed using Chi-square, Mann-Whitney, and logistic regression tests <strong>Result</strong>: The results showed that the most common age was 20 years (23.7%), 76 people (58%) had a normal BMI, and 61 people (46.6%) had been living in the boarding school for 1 year. Most of the female students experienced moderate stress (46 people, 35.11%), 114 (87.02%) had good vulva hygiene behavior, 94 (71.75%) had good vulva hygiene knowledge, and 109 (83.20%) had leukorrhea. The Mann-Whitney test results showed a relationship between the incidence of leukorrhea and age (p = 0.001), the Chi-square test results showed a relationship between the incidence of leukorrhea and stress level (p = &lt;0.001), BMI (p = 0.344), vulva hygiene knowledge (p = 0.088), and vulva hygiene behavior (p = 1.000). <strong>Conclusion</strong>: Age and stress level were associated with the incidence of leukorrhea, and stress level was the most associated factor with the incidence of leukorrhea in female students at the Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa Khoirul Huda Surabaya, Indonesia.</p> Shalma Alya Fadilla Atika Atika Copyright (c) 2024 Shalma Alya Fadilla, Atika Atika 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 415 431 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.415-431 FACTORS INFLUENCING HEALTH CARE PROVIDER IN CODUNCTING PREECLAMPSIA SCREENING <p><strong>Background:</strong> Preeclampsia is responsible for maternal health globally due to its high morbidity and maternal mortality rates, especially in low-income countries such as Indonesia. Primary care providers, including general practitioners, midwives, and nurses, have a crucial role to play in the early assessment of preeclampsia screening. It was noted that factors affecting mortality were the lack of preparedness of officers in managing and responding to pregnancy emergencies, delayed recognition of worsening clinical signs of preeclampsia, as well as inadequate assessment and treatment for preeclampsia. This study aims to analyze the driving factors that influence health care provider in conducting preeclampsia screening in Gresik District. <strong>Methods:</strong> This research was an observational analytical study with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study consisted of all doctors and midwives at the primary health facilities in the Gresik Regency area. The sample was taken from 159 respondents who were service providers in 20 primary health facilities in Gresik using simple random sampling. The variables in this study were the knowledge and attitudes of healthcare workers toward implementing preeclampsia screening. Data collection in this study used an online questionnaire conducted after issuing the Ethical Approval Letter until October 2023, which was then analyzed using a chi-square test with a significance level of 0.05. <strong>Results:</strong> Only 27% of respondents demonstrated a good level of knowledge about preeclampsia, which affected the effectiveness of preeclampsia screening (p-value 0.04). A total of 86.2% of respondents showed a high level of attitude toward preeclampsia screening. However, this study found no significant relationship between healthcare workers' attitudes and preeclampsia screening (p-value 0.171). <strong>Conclusion:</strong> There is a significant link between the knowledge of the healthcare provider and the optimization of preeclampsia screening so new methods of training are needed that are assessed as effective and accompanied by rigorous monitoring and evaluation to enhance healthcare provider knowledge, especially concerning preeclampsia screening.</p> Iflah Aninda Muhammad Ardian Cahya Laksana Ivon Diah Wittiarika Copyright (c) 2024 Iflah Aninda, Muhammad Ardian Cahya Laksana, Ivon Diah Wittiarika 2024-10-28 2024-10-28 8 4 432 440 10.20473/imhsj.v8i4.2024.432-440