Journal of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline <p>Journal of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (JATM) (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e-ISSN: 2964-6162</a>) is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles and case study articles. The JATM is open submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of electrical engineering, industrial engineering, nanotechnology engineering, data science technology, and robotics and artificial intelligence. JATM publishes twice in a year, the first number is in May and the second number is in November. </p> en-US <h2>Copyright</h2> <p>Journal of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline (E-ISSN:<a href="">2964-6162</a>) by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Airlangga,</a> Faculty of Advanced Technology and Multidiscipline is licensed under a <a href="">Creative Commons ” Attribution 4.0 International ” CC BY 4.0</a></p> <p><strong>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms</strong>:</p> <ul> <li> <p align="justify">The journal allows <span class="m_-8872622167488361851m_3889253648079045002m_3801934354951983127m_-2782718132241447849m_-7691471417709598651m_7256872056212528454m_3794665997207553305gmail-animated">the author to hold the copyright of the article without restrictions.</span></p> </li> <li> <p align="justify">The journal allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions.</p> </li> <li> <p align="justify">The legal formal aspect of journal publication accessibility refers to Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY).</p> </li> </ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>LICENSE TERMS</strong></p> <p>You are free to:</p> <ul> <li class="license remix"><strong>Share </strong>” copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format</li> <li class="license remix"><strong>Adapt</strong> ” remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.</li> </ul> <p>Under the following terms:</p> <ul class="license-properties col-md-offset-2 col-md-8" dir="ltr"> <li class="license by"> <p><strong>Attribution</strong> ” You must give <a id="appropriate_credit_popup" class="helpLink" tabindex="0" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-original-title="">appropriate credit</a>, provide a link to the license, and <a id="indicate_changes_popup" class="helpLink" tabindex="0" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-original-title="">indicate if changes were made</a>. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.<span id="by-more-container"></span></p> </li> </ul> <ul id="deed-conditions-no-icons" class="col-md-offset-2 col-md-8"> <li class="license"><strong>No additional restrictions</strong> ” You may not apply legal terms or <a id="technological_measures_popup" class="helpLink" tabindex="0" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" data-original-title="">technological measures</a> that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits</li> </ul> (Prastika Krisma Jiwanti, S.Si., M.Sc.Eng., Ph.D.) (Rezi Delfianti) Mon, 16 Dec 2024 17:02:21 +0700 OJS 60 An Analysis of Hybrid Energy Modelling (Grid and Inverter Based Resources) Using Grid Following Inverter for the Integration of Renewable Energy Generation <p><strong>The energy dependency of the grid will cause its own problems because the energy generated comes from fossil fuels. On the other hand, centralized electrification using renewable energy has a high risk on frequency and voltage stability. Renewable energy depends entirely on climate conditions and has no inertia to maintain stability. Hybrid energy between grids and Inverter Based Resources (IBRs) are alternative solutions used. The research applies an inverter control scheme to IBRs to be penetrated the grid. The research will apply a zero-export load with electricity requirements to be charged to renewable power plants using grid distribution networks. The inertia less properties of renewable energy will cause interference when combined with the power grid (synchronous generator). It will also be analyzed on this study by applying the following inverter scheme by paying attention to the phase angle and synchronization against the voltage, current and frequency variables of the grid. The results obtained in this study; renewable energy can contribute 90% to the load. This is due to the Losses factor and efficiency system in the plant. Renewable energy generators feed active power to the grid as well as support grids with a Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) indicator of &lt;10%. In the design of this hybrid power system, it is done on MATLAB software with installation configuration in accordance with IEEE standards so that it can be a reference for the installation of real-condition renewable energies with grid.</strong></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><strong>—Renewable Energy, Grid Following, Green Electricity, Hybrid Energy</strong></p> Fikarul Mujtahida, Rahmania Putri Ramadhani, Prisma Megantoro, Mohammed Mareai, Muhammad Akbar Syahbani Copyright (c) 2024 Fikarul Mujtahida, Rahmania Putri Ramadhani, Prisma Megantoro, Mohammed Mareai, Muhammad Akbar Syahbani Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Fulfillment of Bawean Electricity with a Hybrid Renewable Energy System using HOMER <p><strong>Access to energy and electricity drives the economy, including industrial activities in isolated areas. Currently, the shrimp industry on Bawean (an isolated area) is facing the problem of many unserved power needs. Thus, this study aims to design hybrid renewable energy for the productive sector. There are two configurations, namely configuration 1 (PV SYSTEM, WIND TURBINE SYSTEM, GRID, BESS) and configuration 2 (PV SYSTEM, GRID, BESS), which find the potential for solar and wind radiation very suitable for renewable energy sources. Thus, based on the HOMER simulation, the best alternative solution is configuration 1 which utilizes PV SYSTEM (8.9 MW), 2 Wind Turbine System (1.6 MW), and 3 BESS, resulting in the lowest LCOE value of 0.137 $/kWh. The results of configuration 1 can meet the electricity needs of Bawean Island and shrimp ponds with the lowest LCOE value, so it can potentially increase productive sectors such as shrimp ponds.</strong></p> Fiqih Akbar Wijaya, Galih Wicaksono Triyogi, Rizhal Ade Nugraha, Warto, Bambang Priyono Copyright (c) 2024 Fiqih Akbar Wijaya, Galih Wicaksono Triyogi, Rizhal Ade Nugraha, Warto, Bambang Priyono Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pricing Strategies in Dual-channel Supply Chain with Discount and In-sales Service Consideration <p>Driven by increasing internet usage, Indonesia is experiencing a significant rise in e-commerce activities, with transactions projected to grow from 66 million to 99 million by 2029. This growth necessitates a hybrid approach combining online and offline sales channels to maximize market coverage. However, this dual-channel strategy poses challenges in pricing, as customer preferences heavily influence purchasing decisions. This study analyzes pricing strategies within a dual-channel supply chain (DCSC). It examines two main scenarios, centralized and decentralized systems, to determine optimal pricing strategies considering in-sales service and discount. The decentralized system employs a Stackelberg game model, where the manufacturer sets prices first, followed by the retailer. A clothing company is used as a practical case study to apply these mathematical formulations. The study highlights how parameter variations such as customer preferences, service, and unit costs influence price. Notably, the decentralized system often results in higher profitability than the centralized approach under specific conditions. Sensitivity analysis further reveals that while some parameters remain stable, customer preferences significantly affect pricing decisions. A preference for online shopping tends to favor a centralized strategy, indicating that coordinated pricing can mitigate channel cannibalization risks. The study underscores the complex interplay between pricing strategies, discounts, and in-sales services in dual-channel supply chains</p> Rizky Astari Rahmania, Safira Nur Aisyah, Novelia Agata, Aisyah Dewi Muthi'ah Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Astari Rahmania, Safira Nur Aisyah, Novelia Agata, Aisyah Dewi Muthi'ah Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Optimizing Spare Parts Inventory Management of Truck Dealer Services using Forecasting Methods and Continuous Review System Approach <p>A truck dealership company, specializing in maintenance, repair, and spare parts sales, faces stockout challenges that hinder its ability to meet demand for moving code 1 spare parts. The absence of effective forecasting methods and safety stock policies exacerbates these issues. This study aims to optimize inventory management by identifying suitable forecasting methods and implementing the Continuous Review System (CRS) to establish safety stock and reorder points as the parameter for procurement planning. The results indicate that the Double Exponential Smoothing (DES) method effectively predicts demand, while the Monte Carlo simulation method performs better for spare part 493051110L. The CRS approach improves the fill rate and reduces stockout risks, ensuring better inventory management for the company. These findings provide a framework for the company to enhance its spare parts inventory strategy, contributing to improved service reliability and operational efficiency.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rizky Astari Rahmania, Novera Indriani, Chandrawati Putri Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Astari Rahmania, Novera Indriani, Chandrawati Putri Wulandari Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Effect of Phenol and Saponin on Apis Dorsata Forest Honey and docking molecule on preeclamptic markers <p>Molecular docking is an important computational method for drug design. It can be used to predict receptor binding interactions with ligans. In addition, phenol-derived compounds and Saponins are also reported to have various activities such as anti-hypertensive, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptosis agents. The purpose of this study is to predict whether the Phenol and Saponin compounds are active as anti-inflammatory agents and also to ensure that the binding interactions are stable before and after the docking <em>calculations. </em>The protocol is carried out in accordance with the standards set by the LPPT-UGM Testing Laboratory. The tools, programs, and applications used in this study were Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 Processor, AMD Ryzen 5000 Series 5, AutoDock Tools (v1.5.6), Biovia Discovery Studio, AutodockVina, Swiss ADME, VegaZZ, Pubchem, and the and the pkCSM web server (<a href=""></a>). Trans-ADFH three-dimensional structure, as a test compound, and Prednisolone, as a standard compound, were downloaded from The phytochemical analysis of ADFH includes phenol and saponin. Structure of PlGF 3D (IRV6) and VEGF (4KZN). Identification of ligands and proteins prepared using Pubchem results of molecular docking between preeclampsia through examination of PlGF and VEGF with phenols and saponins Identification of protein ligands using Pubchem, i.e., PlGF (IRV6) with phenol produced 2 interactions and 2 amino acid residues, while saponins produced 2 interactions and 6 residues. pharmacokinetics and toxicity using Swiss ADME, i.e., phenol and saponins are non-mutagenic to bacteria; the maximum safe dose for humans is 0.54 log mg/kg/day; it does not cause toxicity to the heart; the estimated dose for animals is 2.471 mol/kg; it does not cause allergies; it does not cause liver damage; a dose of 0.288 logμ/L can inhibit the growth of 50% of the protozoa T. Pyformis. The content of phenols and saponins in Apis Dorsata forest honey has a high docking score from the original ligand. Molecular docking on phenols and saponins identified PlGF with scores of -2.85, -2.85, and -2.85 kcal/mol, while saponins have +2.84, +2.29, and +2.29 kcal/mol values, which are stated to be better results than the original ligands. This means that phenol has a role as a standard drug that can have an effect on lowering PlGF levels for people with preeclampsia. Molecular docking on VEGF identified phenol with scores of -2.88, -2.88, and -2.88 kcal/mol, and saponins have +1.36, +3.46, and +1.36 kcal/mol values, which are stated to have better results than the original ligands. This means that saponins have a role as a standard drug that can have an effect on increasing VEGF levels for people with preeclampsia.</p> yusari, Soetrisno, Adi Prayitno, Brian Wasita Copyright (c) 2024 yusari, Soetrisno, Adi Prayitno, Brian Wasita Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700