Third-trimester primigravida mothers typically experience anxiety. Serotonin, norepinephrine, and GABA are the three primary neurotransmitters responsible for anxiety. Labor pain may be impacted by anxiety. Relaxation music can help with anxiety. Binaural beats are a sort of relaxation music that are thought to be an inexpensive, safe, and side-effect-free approach to ease anxiety and pain in patients, according to various studies. The aim of this study was to ascertain how binaural beats affected anxiety and pain during the early stages of labor. The HRS-A questionnaire was used in a quasi-experimental study with a control group for the pretest and posttest. The participants in this study are 36 primigravida moms who are 36 weeks along. The participants were then split into four groups: control, alpha, beta, and gamma. Two weeks prior to delivery, the intervention was conducted by listening to 20 minutes of the group's preferred genre of music or binaural beats. The labor pain scale was calculated using the Verbal Descriptor Scale. The collected data will be examined with Paired-Sample T-Test, One-Way ANOVA, and Regression Linear tests in SPSS. The result of alpha and beta groups, when the anxiety scale affects the pain scale of the initial stage of labor, there is a considerable drop in the anxiety scale. Binaural beats' alpha and beta waves hence effectively lower the initial stage of labor's pain scale.
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