Introduction: This study aims to study the various elements of brand
equity (brand equity) granulated sugar products, such as: brand
awareness, brand association, brandperceived quality, and brand loyalty
by comparing two brands of sugar products are Gulaku and Gupalas.
Gulaku as first mover advantages which the first player to enter a
particular industry is often considered to have the first opportunity to
build market share since 2002, while Gupalas is a product that has just
appeared in 2011.
Methods: The sampling method used is purposive sampling with the
number of respondents who were taken as the sample in the study of
100 people consumers of sugar, especially housewives who are in the
Madiun area. Analyzer used in this research is the analysis of the mean
difference test through t test and a confirmation through Manova test.
Results: Brand equity research results indicate that Gulaku have higher
brand equity than Gupalas. The difference was due to the three elements
of brand equity include brand awareness, brand associations and brand
loyalty of Gulaku much higher than Gupalas. While Gupalas Gulaku only
be offset in terms of perceived quality alone.
Conclusion and suggestion: This study is used as input Gupalas
manufacturers namely PT. Nusantara Plantation XI as brand equity
evaluation of Gupalas include brand equity, which is supposed to be
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