Introduction: This study aims to identify primary activities in the value
chain analysis process to increase competitive advantage (competitive
advantage) in order to support the cost leadership strategy of East Java
Youth Lodging in order to survive and win with other tourist lodges and
inns in Surabaya.
Methods: This research uses a qualitative approach with the method
chosen is a case study, while the type of this research is exploratory
Results: The result of this research is that East Java Youth Lodging still has
the opportunity to develop and compete in facing business threats
because the Youth Lodging currently has a cost leadership strategy. East
Java Youth Lodging as one of the accommodation services that offers
cheaper prices with services and facilities that are no less than tourist
lodges and other inns in Surabaya.
Conclusion: Through the indication of primary activities with the value
chain analysis process identified cost drivers that create opportunities for
cost reduction, especially in logistics, so that the reduction in costs can be
used as an increase in competitive advantage for East Java Youth Lodging.
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