Introduction: This study aims to determine the effect of product
category similarity when associated with brand concepts and advertising
messages on consumer responses in evaluating brand expansion. To get
the research objective, two studies were conducted sequentially.
Methods: The first study used experiments conducted on the similarity
category of the product and the brand concept. The second study uses
experiments conducted on product similarity categories and advertising
messages. Experiments in both studies were carried out using the
between-subject method with 240 undergraduate students at the
Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University (120 students for
each study) as participants.
Results: The experimental results from the first study show that the
prestigious brand concept has a better ability (compared to the
functional brand concept) to carry out brand expansion both in product
categories that are similar or not similar to the original brand. The
experimental results from the second stage study show that a prestigious
brand will be able to increase its ability to expand the brand if the
product is advertised with a social-adjustive message for similar product
categories, and for dissimilar product categories it will be more effective
if advertised with a value-expressive message.
Conclusion and suggestion: Companies that do brand extensions to
different product categories are advised to use ads with value-expressive
messages to make them more effective.
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