Introduction: Distribution system of PTPN XI depends on the tender of
regulation that affects benefit for PTPN XI. Java Seven Samurai which act
as bidders. This study is expected to provide important information on
PTPN XI and stimulus-dependent regulation of Seven Samurai, in order to
sell new sugar products directly to the consumer so that the resulting
higher profits.
Methods: This research is a non-experimental study that performs data
collection at a certain time for the sample group (cross-sectional). The
research approach used in this study is a qualitative descriptive analysis
approach to processing primary data obtained from the research sample.
Results: The results of this study, new favorite sugar characteristics are:
1) Product: consumers prefer brands using Indonesian sugar, sugars
crystals are white clearly color, and odorless; 2) Price: consumers like
discounts and bonuses given to purchase a lot and adjust the size of the
price change per pack; 3) Promotion: social media are easily found and
preferred customer is Facebook; 4) Distribution: traditional marketing is
a consumer preferred shop and agents while modern retail customers
preferred is a minimarket.
Conclusion and suggestion: Sugar is distributed directly from PTPN XI
preferably at minimarket and agents. While distribution is lacking
indirectly (through an agent) is a traditional store.
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