Directorate General of Taxation difficulties to achieve the target of tax
revenue. A number of attempts were made. Through extra efforts, DJP
will explore the potential tax revenue. According to Darmin Nasution, to
raise the tax rate, the only way is with intensification and extensification.
Factors that represent extensification and intensification are the number
of taxpayers, number of tax inspection and taxpayer compliance level.
The research aimed to find out whether the revenue of income tax at
Tambora Tax Office Service influenced by the number of Corporation
Taxpayers, number of tax inspection, and Taxpayer compliance level. The
number of Corporation Taxpayers is measured by the number of
effective corporation taxpayers. The number of tax inspection is
measured by the number of legal products published. The Taxpayer
Compliance level is measured from the ratio of the number of
Corporation Monthly Tax Return act 25 reported on time with the
number of effective corporation taxpayer. The Income Tax revenue is the
total revenue of corporation income tax act 25.
This study used multiple linier regression with quantitative data that
obtained from Tambora Tax Service Office for the period of Januari 2010
untill Juni 2013. This research states that the number of Corporation
Taxpayers, Taxpayer compliance level has an influence on the income tax
revenue at Tambora Tax Office Service. While the number of tax
inspection does not have an influence on the income tax revenue at
Tambora Tax Office Service.
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