Introduction: This research evaluates the implementation of credit risk
management in the Bank "X”, which is to mitigate risks. The focused is on
the application of risk management components, namely the
identification , measurement, control , and monitoring of credit risk.
Methods: This study uses Bank "X" one of the bank "non-devisa” in
Surabaya. Data is obtained from interviews and documentation. The
analysis was performed by descriptive qualitative method, i.e by
comparing the real conditions conducted by the Bank "X" with the
theoretical basis of risk management, Bank Indonesia's Regulation,
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and the policy of the Bank "X".
Results: The result reveals that the credit risk management in Bank "X”
Surabaya has been implemented although some are not yet optimal.
Among the optimal ones are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and
policies of the Bank "X" is not implemented by the corresponding section
in the lending process. Further, it is also found the manager of risk
management has a low risk appetite.
Conclusion and suggestion: The recomendation for Bank "X” are
to continue and to improve the implementation process
comprehensively, in accordance with the changing of the business
complexity. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) still needs
improvement i.e. the learning process and practical training to support
the risk management, improvement on credit exposure management and
the Credit Risk Rating (CRR).
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