Introduction: During 2009-2013, the percentage of poor people in East
Java was always above the national level. Based on this background, this
study aims to examine and analyze the effect of investment, Gross
Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), and labor absorption on the number
of poor people in districts and cities in East Java
Methods: This study uses the path analysis method. This method was
chosen because it is able to explain the direct and indirect effects
between the independent variables and between the independent
variables and the dependent variable based on a model built from
previous theory and research.
Results: The results showed that investment directly had a positive effect
on GRDP and employment. Meanwhile, GDP has a direct negative effect
on the number of poor people, and employment has a direct positive
effect on the number of poor people. So that investment indirectly has a
negative effect on the number of poor people through PDRB, and
investment indirectly has a positive effect on the number of poor people
through employment.
Conclusion and suggestion: Regencies or cities whose economy is
dominated by the industrial, service and trade sectors such as Sidoarjo
regency, Gresik regency, Surabaya city, Malang city and the majority of
other cities in East Java Province, which so far have low labor absorption,
require labor intensive investment. so as to be able to absorb more labor
which in turn will reduce the number of poor people.
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