Introduction: Division of research and development to produce
performance played a central role in the form of technological
innovation cultivation of sugar cane and innovation performance of the
global industrial competition. Required organizational climate that
support performance improvement and business development research
staff. Mutual support and encouragement in every settlement between
management and employees work will provide a comfortable
atmosphere in the performance of employees. High motivation for staff
to be able to grow a maximum potential and competence of employees
wants to work hard to realize the company's strategic objectives.
Methods: To examine these issues, a questionnaire distributed to 35
staff in research and development of PTPNXI (Persero). The collected
data were analyzed using SPSS analysis techniques.
Results: The results showed that the significant effect of organizational
climate on employee performance. Thus a good organizational climate
will cause the employee improve performance. Good organizational
climate and always oriented employment relationship in shaping the
behavior of employees can motivate employees that will result in
optimal performance of employees at work.
Conclusion and suggestion: Managerial advice to do is apply
organizational climate in PTPN XI (Persero) staff research and
development efforts should be made clear again that the work climate
that is able to adapt to the situation and condition of the employee. The
next suggestion, leaders continue to increase employee motivation by
not ignoring the rights and interests of employees as provide promotional
opportunities, improved employee supervision system, increase
confidence in the leadership, and maintain harmonious relationships
between colleagues.
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