Introduction: The objective of this research is to examine how to
influence of corporate governance and earnings management on
financial performance.
Methods: Independent variables in this research are managerial
ownership, institutional ownership, independent commissioners, audit
committees and earnings management. Dependent variable is financial
performance. Earnings management in this research was measured using
Modified Jones Models, while financial performance was measured by
cash flow return on assets (CFROA). Sampel was conducted on the
company that listed at Indeks 45 Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample
period of this research is 2013. Data of this research are analyzed using
multiple regression.
Results: The results of the analysis show that managerial ownership,
institutional ownership, independent commissioners and audit
committees have not influence to financial performance. Earnings
management have influence to financial performance.
Conclusion and suggestion: Subsequent research can make comparisons
between stock indices on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the use of
different models in determining corporate governance and discretionary
accruals and extending the observation period so that there are
mechanisms for corporate governance and earnings management with
different points of view.
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