Introduction: Monetary policy is one of the main instruments of
macroeconomic policy. The government with monetary policy is able to
influence the level of economic growth, employment, and the rate of
inflation. The one of main monetary policy is controlling the money
supply. Money supply has a widespread impact on other macro variables.
This study analyzes the effect of the money supply to variable inflation
and interest rates, as well as the effects of inflation and interest rates to
investment and economic growth in Indonesia.
Methods: This study used analysis of TSLS (Two Stages Least Square). The
data used in Times Series. Data for the period 1973 until 2012.
Results: From the tests showed that there was a significant effect of
money supply to inflation and interest rates. Inflation and interest rates
has no effect on investment in Indonesia partially. While there was the
simultaneous effect of inflation and interest rates to Investment in
Indonesia. The research showed that significantly the investment
influence economic growth in Indonesia.
Conclusion and suggestion: Research indicates that the variable in the
money supply directly or indirectly have an impact on economic growth
in a country, thus appropriate monetary policy should be given such a
broad impact in an economy.
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