Introduction: Leasing in Indonesia has taken part in corporate financing.
Financing companies are also able to grow quite impressively so that
they require a lot of manpower, especially in the sales (marketing) and
also collection (collector) departments. This study aims to see how Job
Demand and Job Flexibility are able to influence Organizational
Commitment and ultimately affect employee performance in the
marketing and collection departments.
Methods: The sample used in this study were marketing and collection
staff at PT. Mandiri Tunas Finance regional area 7 (covering branches
Surabaya 1, Surabaya 2, Gresik, Mojokerto, Tuban, Madiun, Kediri, and
Malang). The research used quantitative research methods with external
and internal model calculations that included validity, reliability, and data
analysis using Smart PLS2.0. The analysis technique used for all
hypotheses is Partial Least Square.
Results: Testing of marketing and collection staff at PT. Mandiri Tunas
Finance in regional 7 produces: (1) Job Demand has a significant effect on
Organizational Commitment. (2) Work Flexibility has a significant effect
on Organizational Commitment. (3) Organizational Commitment has a
significant effect on employee performance and mediates the
relationship between Job Demand and Job Flexibility on employee
Conclusion and suggestion: The company is expected to be able to
encourage employees to fulfill their job demands without reducing the
performance of these employees
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