Introduction: This study to help the company evaluate the
implementation strategies its is intended to design performance
measurement using balanced scorecard in a light brick manufacturing
Methods: This study uses uses qualitative in collecting data methods for
designing Balanced Scorecard
Results: The results showed that the company had a vision, mission, and
strategy in making light bricks but it had not yet been translated into
action. In the financial perspective the company driven by strategic goals
in the form of increased revenue and cost efficiency. On the perspective
of its target customers is the improvement of product quality and
customer service as well as the reputation and image of the company.
On the internal perspective is production planning, partnerships with
suppliers, market and customer service capacity. The learning and
growth perspective on implementation of corporate values,
development of human resources, and development of an integrated
information system is its target.
Conclusion and suggestion: Balanced scorecard design is expected to
assist companies in implementing it properly.
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