The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the compensation and rewards to the employee of BKKBN in East Java Province performance both simultaneously and partially, and was to determine whether the application of discipline moderated the correlation between compensation and rewards distribution to employee's performance. The Method of sample selection used in this study was cluster sampling technique that took randomly from the population. The numbers of the samples of this study were 82 respondents. The type of data used was primary data collected through questionnaire. The regression analysis with variables moderating was used thoroughly in analyzing the data. To prove moderating variable to become mediation variable or not therefore residual test is used. The results of this study showed that giving compensation and awards simultaneously affected to employee's performance. Distributing compensation partially did not affect employee's performance while distributing awards partially affected the performance of the employees. Application of discipline was a moderating variable affecting the correlation between the compensation and rewards distribution to employee's performance.
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