Assessment of health cooperatives is one form of measurement of the performance of Credit Unions (KSP) conducted by the health assessment team. Inadequate number of competent human resources that exist in the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs in East Java province and the different levels of ability can lead to the completion of a long time, so the impact on the lack of achievement of a number of cooperatives that have been assessed. These needs can be met with an expert system that extracts knowledge of health assessment. This study aims to draft a health assessment expert system KSP guided by the Regulation of the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs RI 2008 enhanced in 2009 with the visualizations using the system dashboard. The methodology used using qualitative research of exploratory case study approach.
In this study managed to draft expert system health assessment KSP reached the prototype stage. The design knowledge base contains knowledge of health assessment KSP derived from Regulation Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs RI is represented in the form of the rule base. Inference engine as the brain of an expert system is designed using a programming language that supports web-based, with the storage media using a MySQL database, and the Windows operating system. Designing a user interface using a web based visualization using a performance dashboard. The survey shows that the system can help the process of assessing the health and easy to operate with a relatively quick turnaround time.
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