Economic valuation approach CVM (contingent valuation method) can be used to determine the preferences of the respondents (the people) for natural resources by promoting the ability to pay (Wilingness to Pay) are expressed in terms of value for money, which directly asked to respondents by reviewer or researcher. It can be concluded that the three variables: age, education level and income level positively effect on the determination of WTP.The conclusion is reinforced by figures of determinant coefficient (R adj) of 64.7%. Which means that the models regression equation is quite appropriate for the independent variable and it can explain the dependent variable is at 64.7%, While the dependent variable explained by other variables that have not been covered in this equation is about 35,3%.
The results obtained (the value of WTP=Rp 15.000) can be calculated by summing all of the 20 respondents were then divided by the number of respondents) .While the total benefit / revenue expected can be obtained by multipliying of the average WTP with the population in this a national park area. The location is in Serang city, Banten province. Banten province has population it is about 9.2 million, then the magnitude of potential benefit which can be obtained is about Rp 135.000 million. If the visitors expand then the potential benefit is greater.
By using the Analysis of Hierarchy Process (AHP) can be obtained some priorities of sustainable tourism management as follows: first, the park should be managed by the government, secondly,it can be managed collaboratively between government and the private sector , thirdly, it can be managed by the private sector. Priority goal is focus on the achievement of environmental sustainability factors. Secondly, focus on providing economic benefits to local communities and the third is the park management cost as a last prior.
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