This study examines the effect of voluntary disclosure on the cost of equity capita lwith information asymmetry as an intervening variablein manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period of 2008-2012. The total population of this study were 203 companies. The research hypotheses were tested using path analysis model with unbalanced panel data. The study concluded that the voluntary disclosure had indirect effect on the cost of equity capital by the information asymmetry as an intervening variable.
Keywords: Voluntary Disclosure, InformationAsymmetry, Cost Of EquityCapital
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Anggraeni, M. D. (2010). Pengaruh pengungkapan sukarela pada cost of equity capital dengan asimteri informasi sebagai intervening variabel. Trikonomika, 9(1), 62-71.
Botosan, C. A. (1997). Disclosure level and the cost of equity-capital. The Accounting Review,72, 323-349.
Diamond, D.W., dan Verrecchia, Robert E. (1991). Disclosure, liquidity, and the cost of capital. The Journal of Finance, XLVI(4), 1325-1359.
Easley, D., and O'Hara, M. (2004). Information and the cost of capital. Journal of Finance, 59, 1553-1583.
Elliot, R. G. and Peter D. Jacobson. (1994). Cost and Benefit of Business Information Disclosure. Accounting Horizon, 8, 80-96.
Fama, E.F., and French, K.R. (1993). Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of Financial Economics, 33, 3-56.
Healy, P., and Palepu, K. (1995). The challenges of investor communications: The case of CUC international, Inc. Journal of Financial Economics, 38, 111-141.
Hughes, J., Liu, J., and Liu, J. (2005). Information, diversification, and the cost of capital. The Accounting Review, 82, 705-729.
Jensen, M.C and Meckling, W.H. (1976). Theory of the firm: managerials behavior, agency cost and ownership structure. Journal Of Financial Economics, 3, 305-360.
Komalasari dan Baridwan. (2001). Asimetri informasi dan cost of equity capital. Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Indonesia, 4(1), 64-81
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