This study was conducted to analyze and examine the influence of the agricultural sector output, processing industry, trade, hotels and restaurants to the poor population in the province of East Java. Quantitative approach in this study using panel data regression method. The data used is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at constant prices (AHDK) in 2000 and the Poverty rates of 29 districts and 9 Cities in East Java province, from 2005 to 2013. The estimated using models Fixed Effect Model (FEM) or often referred to as engineering Least Squares Dummy Variable (lSDV). The results of the model shows the output of agriculture, manufacturing, trade, hotels and restaurants negative and a significant effect on reducing the amount of poor population in the province of East Java. Increased output of the agricultural sector amounted to Rp. 1 billion will reduce the amount of poor population of 355 people, cetirus paribus. Increased output of the industrial sector of Rp. 1 billion will reduce the amount of poor population by 169 people, cetirus paribus. Increased output of the hotel and restaurant trade Rp. 1 billion will reduce the number of poor by 217 people, cetirus paribus.
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