General elections is a requisite in democratic system. In the seventh presidential election of Indonesia in 2014, started a lot of use of social networking media such as facebook, twitter, whatsapps, blackberry messenger (bbm), and an internet forum such as Kaskus as an effective communication tool in getting support of society. In a relatively short time, social media can gather a lot of followers. The use of social media by volunteers and supporters not only as a mean of promoting the candidate of president and vice-president, but also conducted black campaign and negative campaign to attack and bring down the rival. Dynamics of social networking community has characteristics of: liquid condition, huge individual freedom, could be used by anyone and for any interest. Kaskus has interactive and very diverse expression as a social networking site. Kaskus loaded with dynamics offorce that can cause changes in the livelihood of the concerned society. The purpose of this study is determining how the dynamics of political communication of one of president candidate, Joko Widodo, on Kaskus forum at the presidential election campaign period (5 June to 5 July 2014). The research method used was qualitative method with content analysis approach. The study concludes that the result of political communication obtained from social media can only generate trust of voters but not as a winning factor.
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