In the world of design and manufacture of cruise ships that move in fast and dynamic, the company tried to survive, grow and develop so that they cannot lose with competitors. To realize the necessary human resource management that have high integrity and capabilities which can meet the demands of the company. PT. NaSDEC Indonesia is one of the private companies engaged in the field of ship design which considers important psychological empowerment which can improve task performance and contextual performance.
This research consists of three variables, namely, psychological empowerment, task performance and contextual performance. Based on the Foundation of theory that is used and the formulation of the problem posed, there are four hypotheses. Calculations using the regressions analysis that includes a test of validity, reliability, multiple linear regression analysis, test the assumptions of classical analysis, correlation, analysis of the coefficient of determination (R2), simultaneous testing (test F) and partial test (t).
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(2) Self-determination and impact effect significantly partially against the task performance, (3) Meaning, competence, self-determination and the impact of significant effect simultaneously against contextual performance, (4) the impact of significant effect partially against contextual performance.
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