1 - 15 of 15 items
Molecular analysis for halal verification: screening porcine DNA in charms cosmetic skincare products Screening porcine DNA in Charms Cosmetic
Abstract : 159
.pdf : 119
Science and technology studies of the causes of prohibited foods in Islamic law
Abstract : 4514
PDF : 118511
Rapid detection of pork and pig derivatives based on volatile compounds aroma using electronic nose
Abstract : 1091
PDF : 2152
The policy implementation of law no. 33 of 2014 concerning halal product guarantees (UU JPH) for micro-small businesses in the food and beverage sector in Surabaya city
Abstract : 113
.pdf : 53
Should be halal? is there any correlation between halal and vaccine? bibliography study in SCOPUS indexed academic paper
Abstract : 2393
Article 3 : 1223
Differences in levels of knowledge of FSTP students (Faculty of Science, Technology, and Education) and FEB (Faculty of Economics and Business) Muhammadiyah Lamongan University about criteria halal of skincare products
Abstract : 238
.pdf : 61
Effect of Aloe vera extract for reducing formaldehyde level in tuna fish for halal and thoyyib food
Abstract : 1175
PDF : 1734
Honey application as a halal replacement material for fillet fish product in transportation
Abstract : 1217
PDF : 3747
1 - 15 of 15 items