Discourse Analysis of Otaku Tours Advertisements in Akihabara
The discourse structure and language functions used in an advertisement play a crucial role in influencing consumer perceptions and actions. This research aims to describe the discourse structure and language functions used in otaku tours advertisements in Akihabara based on Bolen's discourse structure theory and Widyatama's advertising function theory. This study applies a discourse analysis approach and utilizes qualitative descriptive methods as the framework. The data were collected from advertisements on Akihabara websites between 2020 and 2023. The results obtained from the discourse structure of the advertisement are as follows: two sets of propositions that stimulate the curiosity of potential consumers, two sets of propositions that capture the attention of specific consumers, and one set of propositions in the form of a question that demands more attention. The results obtained from the language functions in the advertisement are: three data of information functions. The findings indicate that although all three data are dominated by information functions. This can be understood because the content of the majority of the advertisements focuses on promoting events rather than selling products. Additionally, the concept of popular culture subculture has a unique appeal, especially for otaku enthusiasts with a strong interest in unique Japanese culture.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Zaneta Arsy Arianti, Ashyla Difia Putri, Nisfi Azkiya, Pedro Putra Pamungkas, Dhaniswari Ananta Ayu
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