of Marine and Coastal Journal Systems<p>Journal of Marine and Coastal Science with registered number <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2528-0678 (online)</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2301-6159 (printed)</a> is a scientific open access journal published by the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Airlangga University. Journal of Marine and Coastal Science was founded in 2002 which focuses on scientific publications in the fields of fisheries and marine science, covering seafood nutrition, marine microbiology, marine biotechnology, coastal management, and marine biodiversity research. Our journal vision to become a media of research results dissemination of scientific work of various groups, academics, practitioners and government agencies. Open Journal Systems (OJS) has been applied to all processes in the Journal of Marine and Coastal Science scientific journals. Journal of Marine and Coastal Science scientific journals are published 3 times a year (February, June, and September) in Indonesian / English, each edition consisting of 40-60 pages, containing between 5-7 scientific articles on research articles and short communications.</p> <p>For an author, please read these journal guidelines. If the manuscript submitted is not appropriate with the guidelines or written in a different format, it will <strong>BE REJECTED</strong> by the editors before further reviewed. All the articles received will be reviewed by peer-reviewers with double-blind methods.</p> <p> </p> <p>Journal of Marine and Coastal Science terdaftar di <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2528-0678</a> (online) and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2301-6159</a> (cetak) adalah jurnal akses terbuka ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan, Universitas Airlangga. Journal of Marine and Coastal Science didirikan pada tahun 2002 yang memfokuskan publikasi ilmiah di bidang perikanan dan ilmu kelautan, yang meliputi gizi makanan laut, mikrobiologi laut, bioteknologi kelautan, pengelolaan pesisir, dan penelitian keanekaragaman hayati laut. Visi Journal of Marine and Coastal Science yaitu menjadi media penyebaran hasil penelitian karya ilmiah berbagai kelompok, akademisi, praktisi, dan lembaga pemerintah. Open Journal Systems (OJS) telah diterapkan untuk semua proses dalam Journal of Marine and Coastal Science. Journal of Marine and Coastal Science diterbitkan 3 kali dalam setahun (bulan Februari, Juni, dan September) dengan berbahasa Indonesia/bahasa Inggris yang setiap edisi terdiri dari 40-60 halaman, berisi antara 5-7 artikel ilmiah tentang artikel penelitian dan komunikasi singkat.</p> <p>Untuk penulis, silahkan dibaca pedoman penulisan. Jika naskah yang dikirimkan tidak sesuai dengan pedoman atau ditulis dalam format yang berbeda, naskah tersebut akan DITOLAK oleh editor sebelum ditinjau lebih lanjut. Semua artikel yang diterima akan ditinjau oleh peer-reviewer dengan metode double-blind.</p> Composition of Little Tunny Euthynnus alletteratus (Rafinesque,1810) in the Marine Waters of Lattakia – Syria2024-12-24T17:19:27+07:00Mohamad GALIYAmohamad.gk.galiya@gmail.comHussam Eddin Laikahussamlaika18@gmail.comZouher Almajidzouher.almajid@gmail.comRanim<p>The current research aims to study the diet of 275 individuals from Euthynnus alletteratus, caught in the marine waters of Lattakia Governorate for two years (19/10/2021 - 29/9/2023), using local fishing methods (gill nets, purse nets, fixed nets, and long lines). The results of the food spectrum showed a similarity in their feeding habits and behaviors, as they are carnivorous fish. The food spectrum consists of four taxonomic groups: Fish, Crustaceans, Molluscs, and Annelids. The species E. alletteratus fed on 18 food elements during the first year (2021-2022) and 28 food elements in the second year (2022-2023). Fish formed the first group, with seven species in the first year and 17 species in the second year. It is known that there were Crustaceans in 5 taxonomic groups: (Amphipoda, Decapoda, Stomatopoda, Euphausidae, Isopoda), Molluscs, and Polychaete. It has been also observed that individuals of E. alletteratus respond to seasonal changes in food availability, which reflect their adaptation ability to feed on the most abundant species in the environment. They fed on Crustaceans as their main prey in the Autumn (90%) and winter (97%), followed by fish in the Spring (67%) and Summer (69%), while Molluscs and Annelid enhanced their diet. This reflects the poor food base for fish in our marine environment.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Marine and Coastal Science and Shelf Life of Pedada Fruit Leather (Sonneratia caseolaris) With the Addition of Sorbitol and Kappaphycus alvarezii2024-05-06T10:26:36+07:00Khairaniyatul Iftitahkhairaniyatuliftitah@gmail.comEka Yuli<p>Fruit leather is a traditional product from Turkey. Kappaphycus alvarezii and sorbitol in making fruit leather are needed to maintain the texture of the product during storage. Sorbitol has a hydrophilic -OH group that is able to bind water (humectant) and<br />K. alvarezii can improve texture and the quality of fruit leather. This study was conducted to determine the effect of sorbitol and<br />K. alvarezii addition on fruit leather characteristics and shelf life of pedada fruit leather products. This study used five treatments and three repetitions. The research parameters include the number of bacterial colonies using the Total Plate Count (TPC) method, nutritional content test, and organoleptic (sensory) test. Data analysis in this study used ANOVA one factor and Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) for quantitative data and Kruskal-Wallis test for qualitative data. The results showed that the samples with the number of bacterial colonies that met SNI 7388-2009 standards were only samples before treatment, 1 week, 2 weeks and 3 weeks of storage. The moisture content of each treatment met the standard of <25%. The results of panelist assessment showed that the shelf life of fruit leather products did not significantly affect (p>0.05) the organoleptic test aspects tested such as appearance, aroma, taste, and texture.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Marine and Coastal Science of Rotifera with Lemuru Fish Fermentation on Growth and Survival Rate of Hybrid Grouper Larvae (Epinephelus sp.)2025-01-14T09:19:54+07:00Muhammad Rizki Firmansyahrizkifirmansyah318@gmail.comRenaldo Pratama Haniah Nurmalia<p>The larvae of the cantang grouper have low survival and slow growth. Efforts to provide good larvae are by providing sufficient nutrition in feed, one of which is by enriching rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis). Rotifera is a zooplankton that contains 40% protein and 13–16% fat. The continuous supply of phytoplankton is difficult for mass production, so the fermentation of lemuru fish can be used as a solution because it contains quite high fat and protein. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of rotifer enrichment with fermented lemuru fish on the growth and survival of cantang grouper larvae. This study used an experimental method with Completely Randomized Design with five treatments and four replications. The research parameters measured were GR (Growth Rate), SGR (Specific Growth Rate), absolute weight growth, absolute length growth, population growth, rotifer nutrient content test and water quality. The data was analyzed using ANOVA and further tests were carried out Duncan multiple range test. The application of Rotifera enriched by fermentation of lemuru fish had a significantly different effect (p<0.05) on the survival rate and larval growth of cantang grouper, as well as the increase in population and nutrient content of rotifers. The survival rate of cantang grouper larvae was 24%, the GR, SGR, absolute weight growth, and absolute length growth from this study were respectively 1.28 mg/day, 14%/day, 19.22 mg, and 1.93 mm. The growth rate of the Rotifera population increased by 31.2 ind/ml, the nutritional content of protein was 53.12%, and fat was 21.33%.The best dose concentration of enriched Rotifera with fermented lemuru fish is 800 ppm.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Marine and Coastal Science of Hairy Cockle’s (Anadara antiquata) Meat Extract as Antioxidant Compound2024-12-19T13:37:02+07:00Hadyan<p>Free radicals are the main factor in causing cancer and the effects of other free radicals. The role of antioxidants is very important to ward off free radicals that come from outside such as exposure to air pollution and heavy metals. Potential antioxidant activity derived from animal sources is found in shellfish. It has been reported that some types of shellfish have bioactive components. The feather mussel (Anadara antiquata) is a mussel of the same genus as the blood mussel (A. granosa) so it is likely to have almost the same content, including its bioactive components. Initial research on the bioactive components of feather mussels and their activity as antioxidants has not been carried out, so it is necessary to conduct research to find out the bioactive components that have the potential to be antioxidant compounds. The purpose of this study is to determine the presence of bioactive components and antioxidant activity in feather mussel meat extract (A. antiquata). Determination of IC50 value and test of bioactive components in feather mussel meat extract using DPPH test method. The main parameter observed was the IC50 value from testing the antioxidant activity of the hairy cockle’s meat extract. The supporting parameters observed were the yield and presence of bioactive compounds from the hairy cockle’s meat extract (A. antiquata). The results showed that the yield of clam meat extract obtained was 8.57%. There are bioactive compounds in the form of alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, and saponin in the extract of hairy cockle’s meat. The antioxidant activity of hairy cockle’s meat extract was included in the moderate category, 102.19 μg/mL.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Marine and Coastal Science of Chromium (Cr) Heavy Metal Content in Sediments and Mangrove Roots Avicennia marina in the Wonorejo Mangrove Ecosystem Area Surabaya2025-01-31T09:40:15+07:00choirul garin pratamaagustinamaulida000@gmail.comPrayogo<p>The mangrove area in Wonorejo is quite large and water sources from various areas have the potential to be sources of chromium. One of the mangrove species in this area is Avicennia marina. Avicennia marina plays an important role in reducing pollution. Based on this, a study was conducted to analyze the chromium content in sediment and roots of mangrove A. marina in the Wonorejo area. This study was descriptive with the stages of exploration, observation, and analysis, namely exploring and observing A. marina, taking samples in the field and analyzing samples in the laboratory. The subjects of this study were the roots and sediments of A. marina taken from two stations with three different points by determining the location using purposive random sampling. The chromium levels in the roots and sediments were tested using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) method. The data on Cr levels in roots and sediments were analyzed using quantitative descriptive statistics and analyzing the quality of sediments and roots of A. marina in the mangrove ecosystem with safe limit values. The results of this study are: 1) The Cr content in the sediment in the Jagir River was the highest at 1 mg/kg, while in the Afur River the highest was 0.82 mg/kg, 2) The Cr content in the roots of A. marina in the Jagir River is the highest at 2.8 mg/kg, while in the Afur River the highest is 2.5 mg/kg, and 3) The Cr content in the sediment has exceeded the safe threshold of 2.5 mg/kg and the Cr content in the roots has also exceeded the safe threshold of 0.05 mg/kg.</p>2025-02-28T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Journal of Marine and Coastal Science