1 - 8 of 8 items
Chronic energy deficiency in young pregnant women in rural Indonesia: an analysis of basic health survey 2018
Abstract : 38
PDF : 38
Development of Transactional Communication Model for Midwife and Postpartum Mother on Exclusive Breastfeeding
Abstract : 3640
PDF : 2447
Analysis of the causes of low birth weight infants in terms of nutritional status and maternal health history
Abstract : 1568
PDF : 788
Playing Lego Increase Cognitive Development on Preschool Child (4-5 Years Old)
Abstract : 5249
PDF : 25101
Low-birth-weight scorecard for early prevention: the accuracy for predicting low-birth-weight infants based on maternal risk factor
Abstract : 2180
PDF : 695
Development of Leadership and Communication Skill Model on Midwifery Students in Physiological Delivery Practice
Abstract : 3080
PDF : 2456
Asuhan Keperawatan Psikososial pada Ibu Nifas dalam Menghadapi Asi Belum Keluar Pada 0-3 Hari Pascasalin
Abstract : 3649
PDF : 33418
1 - 8 of 8 items