INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental <p>Salam sehat mental!</p> <div> <p>In recent times, mental health issues have drawn great attention from the public, especially in health policymaking. Global Burden of Disease study, global research by IHME reported that six mental health problems are listed in the top 20 diseases that lead to disability and cause significant social and economic burden. In Indonesia, mental disorders are not currently seen as a serious epidemiological threat, especially when those are compared with communicable diseases that always become the priority of health policies and programmes.</p> <p>The mental health discourse in Indonesia is still limited, particularly in severe mental health conditions, such as Schizophrenia, and inhumane treatments to them such as <em>pasung </em>(confinement), while in fact, the problems are often more convoluted than what it seems. Therefore, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">INSAN Media Psychology</a>, since 2016, has changed its name to INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental (JPKM).</p> <p>We strive to specify the topic of our content, adjusting to the Faculty of Psychology Airlangga University's research speciality. We also wishes to expand the scope of our target readers; therefore, INSAN JPKM accepts research articles and case reports on mental health issues and psychological well-being, including those with multidisciplinary approach.</p> <p>INSAN JPKM is a peer-reviewed journal, and it has now indexed by Google Scholar, PKP Index, ROAD, CrossRef, and ResearchGate. We also strive to increase our indexes to further reach broader readers.</p> <p>INSAN JPKM invites authors to submit their <strong>RESEARCH ARTICLES</strong> dan <strong>CASE REPORTS </strong>related to our journal's focus and scope. Among them are:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Psychopathology</li> <li class="show">Mental health promotion</li> <li class="show">Community mental health</li> <li class="show">Mental health in industrial and organizational settings</li> <li class="show">Public mental health</li> <li class="show">Mental health in school settings</li> <li class="show">Inclusive education</li> <li class="show">Mental health of children and adolescents</li> <li class="show">Quality of mental health services</li> </ol> <p><br />INSAN JPKM also receives <strong>CASE REPORTS,</strong> which contain detailed reports on psychological therapies/interventions conducted by mental health practitioners/professionals. INSAN JPKM wishes to contribute in the dissemination of effective psychological therapies/interventions carried out by the mental health practitioners/professionals.</p> </div> en-US <p>INSAN Jurnal Psikologi dan Kesehatan Mental is a periodical journal publisher with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Open Access</a> principles and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International </a>(CC-BY 4.0); therefore, the copyright remains with the author.</p> <p>With this license, anyone has the right to use any information and re-distribute the content of this journal for any purposes, including commercial purposes. This can be done as long as the person satisfies the following two conditions; (1) the person is obliged to provide a proper attribution by citing the original source and indicate any changes they have made; and (2) the person is strictly not allowed to make any restrictions, both legal and technological limitations, that restrict others to have the same level of distribution rights.</p> <p>The manuscript copyright remains with the author; therefore, INSAN JPKM do not and will not request for copyright transfer on all published manuscripts in INSAN JPKM.</p> (Rahkman Ardi) (INSAN JPKM Editorial) Mon, 16 Dec 2024 19:32:09 +0700 OJS 60 Forms and Impacts of Revictimization on Adolescents Sexual Violence Victims <p>This study explores the forms of revictimization experiences of sexual violence survivors who decided to report their cases through legal process and examines the impact on their mental health. The study utilized a multi-method design involving interviews and DASS-42. Qualitative data were analyzed thematic analysis, while quantitative data were presented using descriptive statistics. The study involved 10 female participants aged 13 to 17 years. Findings reveal several forms of revictimization, including power dynamics between perpetrator and victim, negative family reactions, and verbal abuse from the environment. Revictimization led to self-blame, self-isolation and intrusive sexual thought, and supported by quantitative data indicating high levels of anxiety (90%), depression (70%), and stress (40%) among participants. Consequently, there is a critical need for awareness among families and neighborhoods. Psychological support should be provided from the time of disclosure to the legal process in order to facilitate recovery and minimize further harm.</p> Rizky Pradita Manafe, Juliana Marlin Y Benu Copyright (c) 2024 Rizky Pradita Manafe, Juliana Marlin Y Benu Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Investigating the Emergence of Employee Green Behavior Through Green Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment <p>Research on employee green behavior is increasing as companies are becoming more aware of environmental protection. The implementation of green culture is thought to help organizations in shaping green behavior among employees, but past researches show inconsistency regarding the significant impact of green organizational culture on employee green behavior. To bridge this gap, this study investigates the impact of green organizational culture on employee green behavior through organizational commitment. Data was obtained from questionnaires filled out by 111 employees from companies that have acquired ISO 14001 certification. This research employs model 4 PROCESS macro by Andrew F. Hayes available in SPSS 26 for Windows. The result shows that green organization culture significantly and positively affects employee green behavior and organizational commitment. Contrary to the expectation, this research found that organizational commitment does not mediate the positive impact of green organizational culture on employee green behavior.</p> Naila Cahayani Putri, Fajrianthi Copyright (c) 2024 Naila Cahayani Putri, Fajrianthi Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Role of Peer Support and Occupational Identity on Career Adaptability in Fresh Graduates <p>In the era of globalization and uncertain economic conditions, the phenomenon of unemployment among fresh graduates due to lack of job competencies remains a significant challenge. This research aims to investigate the impact of peer support on career adaptability and the moderating role of various occupational identity types (achievement, moratorium, foreclosure, and diffusion). Data collection was carried out by involving 99 unemployed fresh graduates. It was analyzed using moderated multiple regression. The findings of this study indicated that peer support had a positive effect on career adaptability. Occupational identity achievement did not moderate this positive effect, while occupational identity moratorium, foreclosure, and diffusion strengthen this positive influence. The results highlight the importance of utilizing peer support effectively peer tailored to an individual's specific occupational identity to foster career development.</p> Ignatius Satria Dharmadhyaksa, Sami'an Copyright (c) 2024 Ignatius Satria Dharmadhyaksa, Sami'an Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Job Hopping Phenomenon: Perceived Supervisor Support, Organizational Commitment, and Employee Retention among Gen Z Employees <p>Nowadays, job hopping among Gen Z poses a challenge for companies in retaining employees. This study aims to analyze the influence of perceived supervisor support on employee retention, with organizational commitment as a moderating variable. The data obtained from 186 Gen Z participants were processed using moderation analysis using JAMOVI 2.3.28. The results showed that perceived supervisor support positively influenced employee retention. Furthermore, organizational commitment was found to strengthen the effect of perceived supervisor support on retention, especially when organizational commitment was at a low level. The role of supervisors is crucial in supporting employee development, and companies need to build strong organizational commitment to enhance employee loyalty. These findings can serve as a guide for companies in developing employee retention strategies, particularly in addressing the job hopping phenomenon among Gen Z.</p> Agnes Claristia, Arum Etikariena Copyright (c) 2024 Agnes Claristia, Arum Etikariena Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Utilizing an Intelligence Test in Clinical Psychology Assessments: Understanding Schizotypal Personality Disorder <p>This case report aims to illustrate the use of an Indonesian intelligence test for adults, TIDI, in clinical assessment, particularly in understanding cognitive dysfunctions in schizotypal personality disorder. This case involved a college student who commit sexual verbal violence on campus. Following observation, interviews, and initial assessments, a diagnostic impression of schizotypal personality disorder was established, prompting the administration of TIDI to explore participant’s cognitive function. Cognitive dysfunctions exhibited by the participant include circumstantial thinking and speech, inability to inhibit subjective responses, difficulty focusing on important aspects of stimuli, eccentric preference for symmetry, poor social adaptation skills, and limited ability for problem-solving. Analysis with Dual Process Theory showed that the participant was more likely to depend on Type 1 processing, which relies on intuitive reasoning and prior knowledge. The implications highlight the benefits of using TIDI in psychological assessments to gain a comprehensive understanding of personality disorders.</p> Kezia Charissa Toto, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari Copyright (c) 2024 Kezia Charissa Toto, Elizabeth Kristi Poerwandari Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Trauma-Focused Acceptance & Commitment Therapy for Improving Psychological Well-Being of Adult Women Post Traumatic Sexual Abuse <p>TF-ACT-based intervention, which targets experiential avoidance can be applied to individuals with trauma. This case report was conducted via teleconsulting using a video-conference platform with five sessions for a 25-year-old woman who experienced PTSD symptoms due to sexual violence committed by her father. This intervention aimed to help the patient improve her psychological well-being by accepting of the past, increasing awareness of the present, and preparing for the future. Based on the comparison of pre- and post-intervention GAF scores, clinical observation by the therapist, and subject’s self-report, the TF-ACT intervention was found to be effective in addressing trauma symptoms in this context. The participant could manage negative emotions that arise due to traumatic memories, more connected to the present, and had clear life goals based on their values. The future application of TF-ACT would be better if quantitative and qualitative approaches were combined to measure the effectiveness of the intervention.</p> Marwa Basyarahil Copyright (c) 2024 Marwa Basyarahil Mon, 16 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700