Jurnal Psikiatri Surabaya 2024-12-02T08:51:50+07:00 Dr. Yunias Setiawati, dr., Sp.KJ(K) Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Jurnal Psikiatri Surabaya (Surabaya Psychiatry Journal) </strong>(<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">e-ISSN: 2716-358X</a>, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">p-ISSN: 2355-2409</a>) is open access, peer-reviewed, and the scientific journal publishes manuscripts in the fields of mental health, neuroscience, mental disorders, psychology, psychological well-being, community psychiatry, and CLP (Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry). Geriatric, Child, and Adolescent Psychiatry), In their presentations in journals, these texts have gone through a careful editing process by the editor and a review process by competent peer reviewers, and we, with a national and international reputation, have made the texts presented in this journal quality, updated, and informative. <strong>Jurnal Psikiatri Surabaya (Surabaya Psychiatry Journal) is</strong> based in Surabaya, Indonesia, and is managed by the Department of Psychiatry at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia, and published by Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.</p> <p><strong>Jurnal Psikiatri Surabaya (Surabaya Psychiatry Journal)</strong> is published twice a year in May and November. has also been indexed in several reputable indexing institutions, such as Google Scholar, Mendeley, Publons, PKP Index, Garuda, Dimensions, BASE, Scilit, and WorldCat.</p> <p>The manuscript should be prepared according to the Guidlines for Author, arranged according to its respective template, and submitted via the Online Submission at the sidebar.</p> <p>Further communications should be addressed to:</p> Association of Loneliness, Social Isolation and Health Problems in the Elderly 2024-09-02T11:44:22+07:00 Dede Himawan Dwi Susanto <p>Introduction: Humans develop themselves and their personalities to survive and adapt to live with other humans in society as social beings. Healthy social relationships are essential for mental and physical health while disrupting social interactions can lead to loneliness and social isolation. This narrative review describes health problems in the elderly, especially depression and cardiovascular disease as a result of loneliness and social isolation. Methods: PubMed database was searched for studies written in English. Keywords to search the journals and ebooks are “loneliness”, “social isolation”, “depression”, “cardiovascular disease” and “old age”.Results: Loneliness and social isolation can occur in all age groups. It is more common in old age, where 50% of the population aged 60 years and over are at risk of experiencing social isolation and one-third experiencing loneliness. This should be of particular concern because it is a risk factor for increased morbidity and mortality in this population. This increased risk is greater than smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity. This situation is closely related to the increased incidence of depression and cardiovascular disease which are the main co-morbidities in the elderly. Conclusions: Problems of loneliness and social isolation that are not handled properly can increase the use of health services in the elderly, so special attention is needed to prevent adverse impacts on physical and mental health and reduce unnecessary use of health services.</p> <p>Keywords: Loneliness, Social Isolation, Depression, Cardiovascular Disease, Old Age.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dede Himawan Dwi Susanto Emotional Loneliness in Elderly: Association with Cognitive Performance and Sleep Quality in One of Indonesia’s Rural Areas 2024-08-30T11:15:59+07:00 Olga Atsira Ayu Nisa' Muhammad Hanun Mahyuddin Rakha Rahmatullah Aita Silia Azimatul Karimah <p><strong>Introduction</strong>: A growing body of studies focuses on the association between loneliness defined as social isolation with sleep quality and cognitive performance, whereas emotional loneliness has not received much attention.</p> <p>Objective: Determine the association between emotional loneliness, cognitive performance, and sleep quality in one of Indonesia’s rural areas.</p> <p><strong>Method</strong>: The sample comprised 30 Indonesian individuals &gt; 60 years old living in rural areas. Cognitive performance was evaluated using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). The quality of sleep was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. Meanwhile, emotional loneliness was conducted using the UCLA Loneliness Scare. Using Pearson correlation, bivariate analysis was performed between physical health, sociodemographic factors, cognitive function, and sleep quality with loneliness.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: There is a significant moderate correlation between loneliness and diabetes (p-value = 0.001, r = 0.573). There is a significant low correlation between loneliness and MMSE score (p-value = 0.03, r = 0.397). &nbsp;And there is a significant high correlation between loneliness and PSQI score (p-value = 0.000, r = 0.886). Two components of sleep quality that show a statistically significant correlation with loneliness are subjective sleep quality (p-value = 0.000, r = 0.6) and sleep duration (p-value = 0.023, r = 0.414 ).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong>: This is the first study to examine the association between emotional loneliness with sleep quality and cognitive function in one of Indonesia’s rural areas.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong>: <em>Loneliness, Sleep quality, Cognitive performance, Elderly</em></p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Olga Atsira, Ayu Nisa', Muhammad Hanun Mahyuddin, Rakha Rahmatullah, Aita Silia, Azimatul Karimah The Effect of Anxiety Sensitivity to Loneliness in Hospitalized Children and Adolescents: Multidimensional Models 2024-09-02T08:25:16+07:00 Pebri Riansyah Claudio Lodra Malhotra Lina Budiyanti <p>Introduction: Although good quality social relationships are essential for every individual’s mental and physical health and well-being, loneliness is an important yet often overlooked social determinant of child and adolescent health. Loneliness felt by a person can put them at risk of anxiety. Anxiety sensitivity is a sensation of fear that will result in physical, social, or psychological problems that later risk clinical anxiety problems. This study aims to determine the effect of anxiety sensitivity on loneliness in children and adolescents who are hospitalized in the hospital. Method: The type of research is quantitative research with an exploratory approach and a self-rating questionnaire. The research subjects were 20 respondents, who were inpatients at the West Java Provincial Mental Hospital. Anxiety was measured using the ASI - 3 (Anxiety Sensitivity Indexes - 3) questionnaire, and the UCLA Loneliness Scale 3 to assess the degree of loneliness. Data were analyzed using simple linear regression with the help of the EPI INFO 7 program. Results: The linear regression test obtained a regression coefficient of 0.786 which states the direction of the influence of variables X and Y is positive with a p-value of 0.000155 &lt;0.05. Conclusion: There is a significant relationship between high anxiety sensitivity and feelings of loneliness in children and adolescents in inpatients. The most experienced dimension of anxiety sensitivity is about social problems while the dominant dimension of loneliness with the choice is always on the dimension of collective connectedness.</p> <p>Keywords: Anxiety Sensitivity, Loneliness, Children and Adolescents</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Pebri Riansyah Claudio Lodra Malhotra, Lina Budiyanti The Association Between Loneliness and Depression in Adolescents with Self-harm at a Vocational High School in Kabupaten Malang 2024-09-02T08:47:33+07:00 Puspa Maharani Izzatul Fithriyah Ivana Sajogo <p>Introduction: Adolescents with self-harm behavior are in the spotlight because they are increasing nowadays. Various studies have shown a relationship between self-harm and affective disorders, one of which is depression. Adolescents are also subjects who are prone to feeling lonely. This study was conducted to determine the association between loneliness and depression in adolescents with self-harm behavior at Vocational High School in Kabupaten Malang. Methods: This study used an observational analytic cross-sectional study design with a consecutive sampling technique. The population and sample were students in the 10th and 11th grades (14-18 years old) at a Vocational High School in Kabupaten Malang. Self-harm behaviors are questioned using the Self-Harm Inventory (SHI). Loneliness levels are measured using the UCLA Loneliness Scale Version-3 (UCLA-3). Meanwhile, depression rates are evaluated using the Patient Health Questionnaire -9 (PHQ-9). Statistics will be tested using Chi-square analysis. Results: Approximately 25% of subjects tended to do self-harm, and 101 of them had mild symptoms of depression. The results of the chi-square independence test showed that χ2(4)=253.663 p=0.000. A moderate degree of loneliness was experienced by 32.31% of students or as many as 95 students. The chi-square independence test showed that χ2(3)=216.359 p=0.000. Discussion: Few research, nevertheless, have painted a picture of adolescent loneliness, suggesting that both loneliness and depression may be risk factors for young people to harm themselves. This study showed a strong correlation between loneliness and self-harm. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between self-harm, depression and loneliness.</p> <p>Keywords: Loneliness, Self-Harm, Depression, Adolescent, Mental Health</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Puspa Maharani, Izzatul Fithriyah, Ivana Sajogo Loneliness in Bereaved Children and Adolescents 2024-09-02T11:45:41+07:00 Vanessa Budiawan Soetioso Izzatul Fithriyah <p>Introduction: Bereavement in children and adolescents was a common life event, but often unrecognized. It is potentially followed by a reaction of grief. Bereavement may cause feelings of loneliness, which is associated with poor mental well-being. This study aims to understand the impact of loneliness on bereaved children and adolescents. Methods: Literature Review. Results: Childhood loss is a significant social and public health problem associated with developmental disorders — including relational, academic, and occupational functioning — as well as an increased risk of mental health problems. Loneliness occurs in childhood and adolescence is a risk factor for poorer well-being. Loneliness in children and adolescents is a risk factor for depression, social anxiety, behavioral disorders, hyperactivity, substance abuse, suicide, and premature death. Studies showed more than 50% of mental health problems develop during childhood and adolescence, with the average age being 14.5, and poorer well-being resulting from loneliness has a long-term impact on health and well-being during adulthood. Conclusions: Bereavement during childhood and adolescence period is a risk of loneliness, which is associated with a variety of mental and behavioral health problems, decreased academic performance, and impairments in developmental tasks. Early prevention and intervention are needed to reduce the risk of disorders later in life and to increase resilience among bereaved children and adolescents.</p> <p>Keywords: Bereavement, Loneliness, Well-Being, Children And Adolescent</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Vanessa Budiawan Soetioso, Izzatul Fithriyah Clinical Relevance of Loneliness in Schizophrenia Patients 2024-09-02T11:48:29+07:00 Windy Tiandini <p>Introductions: Loneliness is a subjective feeling that is described as a sense of isolation, a bad feeling about the quality and quantity of social relationships that has a major impact on mental health, well-being and quality of life. Social isolation is an important predictor of loneliness. Social isolation is often experienced by schizophrenia patients who experience alienation, social disconnection, limited access, and social support for their mental health. This study aimed to describe the relationship and its effect and factors related of loneliness and mental health, expecially in Scizophrenia patients. Methods: This study is a literature review that collects from various sources of scientific journals related to loneliness and its effect to Schizophrenia patients. Results: Lack of social interaction causes low or poor and vulnerable self-concepts experienced by schizophrenia patients, this is suspected of causing maladaptive cognition of oneself and others. Self-esteem that is seen as bad, hallucinations and delusions that are negative and self-critical reinforces negative self-concept. Schizophrenic sufferers tend to experience distortions related to self-confidence and their environment, they often think that they cannot be accepted by their environment and their environment rejects them. These increases feelings of loneliness and is thought to increase the incidence of psychotic symptoms. Conclusions: Social isolation and loneliness are important issues for schizophrenia patients because they can increase morbidity and mortality rates. Loneliness increases the incidence of auditory hallucinations with paranoid thinking, as well as negative beliefs about oneself and others in schizophrenia patients.</p> <p>Keywords: Schizophrenia, Mental Health, Loneliness</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Windy Tiandini Dealing with Loneliness in Hemodialysis Patients: How to Prevent the Detrimental Effects of Loneliness 2024-09-02T11:49:55+07:00 Hendy Muagiri Margono <p>Introduction: Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) refers to advanced, irreversible, and progressive renal failure. Existing treatment for CRF patients includes hemodialysis (HD), peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplantation. HD is the most common replacement therapy for kidney function. HD patients often experience severe psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, and many difficulties related to stress and unhealthy coping mechanisms. To describe preventive actions against the detrimental effects of loneliness in HD patients. Methods: Literature review. Results: The feeling of loneliness is always annoying and unwanted. Loneliness may limit human development and interfere with normal functioning. It is associated with a sense of hopelessness, abandonment or boredom, reduced self-esteem, alienation, an external sense of control and aggression, depression, hostility, and even suicidal tendencies. Feelings of sadness, loneliness, and fatigue are significant factors in reducing patient treatment adherence and even lead to premature death. Conclusions: It is paramount to cope with disease-related stress and anxiety in healthy ways. Comprehensive psychosocial intervention in HD patients could bring positive impacts on mental well-being to strengthen their sense of self, overcome loneliness, connect with others, and create good resilience for having to live with their chronic illness.</p> <p>Keywords: Loneliness, Hemodialysis, Psychosocial Intervention.</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hendy Muagiri Margono Experiencing Loneliness in Motherhood 2024-09-02T11:52:04+07:00 Damba Bestari Anish V. Cherian <p>Introduction: Motherhood is a lifelong learning process. Becoming a mother involves huge changes and a major shift in identity. We usually don’t pair loneliness with motherhood, but researchers have found that motherhood could be filled with lonely feelings. A study by the British Red Cross found that more than 83% of mothers under 30 years old feel lonely at some time. Even before COVID, one study found that more than 90 percent of moms reported feeling lonely after having kids, over one-third said they cried regularly, and more than half suffered from anxiety. This study aims to determine the problems with loneliness in motherhood and how they influence the whole family’s long-term growth and wellness. Methods: PubMed and Google Scholar were searched using the following keyword: (loneliness) AND (motherhood) AND (mental health) AND (maternal) using the journal publication filter for the 2018-2023 issue. Review: Loneliness isn’t only a concern for mothers but also for all family members. Mothers who experience a high degree of loneliness are likely to be depressed, which in turn leads to decreased self-esteem and poor health, and consequently the poor health of their children. Stronger involvement of the mother’s family, friends, and other support systems should be promoted. Conclusions: Researchers should pay attention to the facts that building close connections with others can stop social isolation in mothers from taking a toll on their mental health </p> <p>Keywords: Loneliness, Motherhood, Mental Health, Maternal</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Damba Bestari, Anish V. Cherian Family Support Group to Reduce Loneliness in Caregiver of Mental Health Disorders Patients 2024-09-02T11:54:17+07:00 Zulfian Kurniadi Muftikhar Asroful Hulam Zamroni <p>Introduction: Caring for patients with mental health disorders causes loneliness in caregivers. Therefore, interventions are needed to reduce the level of loneliness in caregivers of patients with mental health disorders. This literature review study aims to determine the effectiveness of family support groups in reducing loneliness in caregivers of patients with mental health disorders. Methods: This study used the ScienceDirect and Google Scholar databases and were searched using the following keywords family support group AND reduce AND loneliness AND caregiver And Mental Health Disorder in filtered journals published in 2013-2023. Results: Caregivers of mental health patients experience the main psychosocial problem, namely loneliness in the process of caring for patients with mental health disorders. Loneliness in caregivers of patients with mental health disorders is caused by stigma which causes feelings of isolation, disconnection, and lack of social relationships, increased stress, and emotional tension. Family support groups can reduce the level of loneliness in caregivers of patients with mental health disorders. Conclusion: Family group support intervention creates effective coping so that the cognitive control network in processing socio-affective information becomes a reflection. This stimulates the reduction of thoughts and perceptions which have an impact on reducing feelings of loneliness.</p> <p>Keywords: Caregiver, Family Support Group, Loneliness, Mental Health Disorder, Reduce</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zulfian Kurniadi Muftikhar, Asroful Hulam Zamroni Helping Special Needs Children to Make Friends 2024-09-02T11:56:35+07:00 Anis Ernawati <p>Introduction: Children with special needs are often considered to be cursed. They are frequently ostracized from society thus making them feel lonely. This paper aims to help patients, especially children with special needs, find good friends through the review of current studies. Methods: This study used a descriptive quantitative method and data that was retrieved from Child and Adolescence Psychiatric Outpatients Daycare, Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya with 80 children with ADHD and 160 children with ASD. Results: A common intervention used in Indonesia is applied behavior analysis (ABA), a method that trains children to have social skills such as how to communicate, interact, and express themselves in social settings. Besides personal intervention, the need for integrated care for children with special needs such as pharmacological therapy, speech and behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, and special education, is needed to support them in helping them make friends. Conclusion: To help children with special needs make friends, we can give support, appreciation, and motivation. However, children with special needs need different treatment from their peers, so special attention and understanding are needed so that children with special needs can socialize and make friends well.</p> <p>Keywords: Children, Special Needs, Friends, Mental Health, Loneliness</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Anis Ernawati Internet Addiction Leads to Loneliness or Loneliness Leads to Internet Addiction? 2024-09-02T11:58:06+07:00 Triana Budi Lestari <p>Introduction: Internet users in Indonesia are growing from year to year. Based on the latest data from the Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association, known as Asosiasi Penyelenggaraan Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII), in 2022, internet users in Indonesia reached 210 million. With a large number of internet users, there are positive and negative consequences that occur. Internet addiction began to be studied by many researchers. These studies include research on the factors that cause internet addiction, as well as its correlation with loneliness. To explain the correlation between internet addiction and loneliness. Methods: Literature review. Results: Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotion that is thought to be a factor in individuals experiencing internet addiction. Loneliness is the thought of loss and dissatisfaction that occurs due to a mismatch between the individual’s social interaction and the social interaction one expects. Hence to overcome the loneliness that is felt, individuals express themselves better in cyberspace than in person. Internet addiction is a condition in which internet users use the internet excessively, due to a lack of self-control and interferes with their daily tasks and functions, to the detriment of themselves. This sums in several negative consequences. Studies showed that internet addiction and loneliness are correlated and mutually reinforcing. Conclusions: The relationship between loneliness and internet use is bidirectional in the sense that just as the internet may drive individuals towards loneliness, loneliness can also encourage individuals to spend more time on the internet.</p> <p>Keywords: Internet Addiction, Loneliness</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Triana Budi Lestari Loneliness and Back Pain 2024-09-02T11:59:49+07:00 Suksmi Yitnamurti Agustina Konginan <p>Introduction: Back pain is a common reason for being absent from work and seeking medical treatment. It can result from injury, activity, and some medical conditions. Back pain consists of lower back pain and upper back pain. Back pain does have a physical cause, but it can also be triggered by precipitating factors, namely loneliness. To explain the mechanism that associates back pain with loneliness. Methods: Literature review. Results: Loneliness is divided into 2 types, namely social loneliness and emotional loneliness. Social loneliness is associated with the absence of a social network from the same circle, with which they can share the same activities or interests. Emotional loneliness can arise due to the absence of close emotional attachment. Whether or not back pain persists depends on whether the individual chooses problem-solving or problem avoidance. Loneliness in several studies increases the morbidity rate of physical and mental illness and also the mortality rate. Early detection of somatic symptoms and loneliness requires a self-measurement scale. Therapeutic interventions aimed at increasing social connection hold merit in reducing the impact of pain on engagement with activities. The treatments are usually Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Antidepressants. If necessary, consulting a psychiatrist is recommended. The cooperation of orthopedists, rheumatologists, and physical therapists with psychiatrists can be useful in improving the condition of patients. Conclusions: Recommendations for management are needed both in terms of general and specific strategies, as well as loneliness interventions. </p> <p>Keywords: Loneliness, Back Pain, Good Health and Wellbeing</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Suksmi Yitnamurti, Agustina Konginan Loneliness in College Students 2024-09-02T12:01:48+07:00 Izzatul Fithriyah <p>Introduction: Loneliness among college students is quite prevalent. Students in their early years experience a transition period when entering university. Conditions with a new living environment, a new social environment, adjustments to peer relations, and a new academic atmosphere, support the occurrence of loneliness conditions in students. This study aims to understand loneliness in college student Methods: Literature Review<br>Results: College students have a greater risk of experiencing loneliness. The impact of loneliness on students is also quite significant, both physically and psychologically. Loneliness can affect mental conditions of depression, anxiety, suicide, and low self-esteem which will ultimately lead to a decrease in quality of life. The physical effects of loneliness can also result in prolonged feelings of fatigue, limited physical activity, cardiovascular disorders, and unhealthy lifestyles which ultimately also have an impact on decreasing quality of life. Intervention and prevention to overcome loneliness are urgently needed, such as improving social skills, overcoming and adapting maladaptive social cognition, increasing social support, mindfulness interventions, and improving friendships. Conclusions: Prevention programs for loneliness are very important to implement. Such an intervention could help reduce the burden of the disease in students’ future professional lives.</p> <p>Keywords: Loneliness, Well-Being, College Students</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Izzatul Fithriyah The Link between Loneliness, Social Isolation, and Cardiovascular Disease 2024-09-02T12:03:34+07:00 Khairina Yusuf Ibrahim <p>Introduction: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Loneliness, a subjective feeling of social isolation, and social isolation, an objective lack of social connections, contribute to social vulnerability and physical frailty. Psychological factors and social support play important roles in CVD, affecting health behaviors and physiological mechanisms. This review aims to provide an understanding of how loneliness and social isolation impact CVD. Methods: A literature review was conducted to identify relevant studies investigating the association between loneliness, social isolation, and cardiovascular disease. Results: The findings indicate that social isolation and loneliness are significant risk factors for CVD, independent of other risk factors. The prevalence of loneliness has increased in modern society, affecting individuals of all ages. Loneliness and social isolation influence physiological processes such as activating the HPA axis, causing inflammation and alterations in immune function, and activating the sympathetic nervous system. These effects contribute to an increased risk of CVD, including elevated blood pressure, hypertension, atherosclerosis, and potential cardiac autonomic dysregulation. Conclusion: Loneliness and social isolation pose significant risks for cardiovascular disease (CVD), influencing physiological processes such as inflammation, immune function, and sympathetic nervous system activation. Understanding these relationships is crucial for developing effective strategies to prevent and manage CVD, emphasizing the importance of interventions targeting both psychological and physiological aspects of social well-being.</p> <p>Keywords: Loneliness, Social Isolation, Cardiovascular Disease</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khairina, Yusuf Ibrahim The Role and Function of Single Parents in Special Needs Children to Combat Loneliness 2024-09-02T13:02:28+07:00 Royke Tony Kalalo <p>Introduction: Caring for children with special needs often poses various challenges, including coping with stress in parenting. Single parents have an even increased vulnerability to stressful conditions in parenting, especially from feelings of loneliness and alienation. This literature review aims to obtain an effective intervention model for overcoming loneliness for single parents with special needs children. Methods: Various studies were searched with the keywords “role of a single parent,” “function of a single parent,” “children with special needs,” and “loneliness.” Selected studies are evaluated and critically reviewed. Results: Various challenges of parenting children with special needs include stigma, efforts to overcome communication and behavior problems of children, adjustments to parenting according to special needs conditions, economic burdens, and intrapersonal problems of single parents. These challenges can be significant stressors that further degrade the quality of life of single parents and their children. However, they can be opportunities for personality development and parenting skills through self-care efforts and seeking psychiatric help, including efforts to find a community that understands the experience of being a single parent. Conclusions: Efforts to help single parents cope with loneliness include improving self-efficacy, emotional stability, positive parenting, and social intelligence by being part of a supportive community.</p> <p>Keywords: Single Parent, Children, Special Needs, Loneliness, Psychological Wellbeing</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Royke Tony Kalalo Loneliness in Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 2024-09-13T15:56:19+07:00 I Made Wedastra Yunias Setiawati <p>Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a disorder of children’s growth and development with neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. ADHD in children can persist into adolescence in about 2.6% of the general population. About more than half of people with ADHD experience loneliness, a condition that is often not reported by patients but is evident in the negative emotions and behaviors they display. To explain the risk factors and impact of loneliness in adolescents with ADHD. Methods: Literature review. Results: The use of gadgets in today’s digital era increases the risk of increasing internet usage so that more contact is made online, which causes obstacles for adolescents in fostering social relationships and an increased risk of loneliness. Adolescents with ADHD have a negative assessment of themselves; they feel useless, lack confidence, and lack intelligence when compared to their peers. Economically, low-income family conditions and inappropriate parenting increase the risk of loneliness in ADHD adolescents. Adequate treatment will cause it to develop into other mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, defiant attitude disorder, and adolescent behavior disorder. Conclusions: Adolescents with ADHD are prone to experiencing loneliness. Parenting problems, family socioeconomics, past trauma, bullying, and several internal factors such as low self-confidence, insecurity, low adaptability, and lack of emotional control can cause loneliness.</p> <p>Keywords: ADHD, Adolescents, Loneliness, Mental Health, Psychological Well-Being</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 I Made Wedastra, Yunias Setiawati From Loss to Loneliness: The Effects of Prolonged Grief in Elderly 2024-09-02T11:35:58+07:00 Julia Dian Christiani Adi Santoso Hendy Muagiri <p>Introduction: COVID-19 high death tolls have brought about many bereavements all over the world. In this brief report, we aim to describe the effects of traumatic end-of-life experiences causing prolonged grief and loneliness as mediators for psychiatric disorders in the elderly. Case: The patient was a 60-year-old woman with chronic sleep disturbance since her only daughter suddenly passed away after several days of being isolated in the hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic and being hastily buried with the COVID-19 protocols. The patient yearned for her daughter but at the same time also avoided all memories of her daughter. She felt anxious most of the day which escalated to panic attacks requiring visits to the emergency room. Various examinations were carried out with normal results, except for blood pressure. She was diagnosed with prolonged grief, generalized anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and hypertension. Treatments included SSRI, benzodiazepine, antihypertensive medicine, and psychotherapy. Improvements were significant within 9 months of therapy. Discussion: Traumatic end-of-life events may precipitate prolonged grief and loneliness. Bereavement is the most common cause of loneliness in the elderly. Untreated prolonged grief and loneliness generate a loss of sense of self and purpose and are associated with low-grade peripheral inflammation and poor health. The combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy is the most effective treatment which improves the patient’s outcome significantly. Conclusion: Traumatic end-of-life experiences are associated with prolonged grief disorder, poor physical and mental health outcomes, hence the right holistic approach is necessary to improve patient outcomes.</p> <p>Keywords: Prolonged Grief, Loneliness</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Julia Dian Christiani Adi Santoso, Hendy Muagiri Addressing Loneliness in Dementia Patient’s Caregiver Through Spiritual Aspect 2024-09-02T11:40:21+07:00 Christophorus Aditya Pawitan Agustina Konginan <p>Introduction: In this brief case report, we aim to focus on the spiritual aspect and how it may benefit in addressing loneliness. Case: The case is a female 62 years old, diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder with a psychosocial stressor of perceived isolation (loneliness), treatment approach consists of medication and spiritual-integrated cognitive behavioral therapy focused on her loneliness. Discussion: According to the definition spirituality is related to a transcendental being (vertical) and relation with others, the environment, and oneself (horizontal). In loneliness, the psychosocial symptom of perceived social isolation might be caused by the falling apart of a spiritual relation, either vertical or horizontal. Conclusion: Loneliness might be prolonged by a change in spiritual value and addressing loneliness through a spiritual aspect is an area that needs to be explored in future studies.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Spirituality, Loneliness, Spiritual Intervention, Caregiver, Mental Health</p> 2024-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Christophorus Aditya Pawitan, Agustina Konginan