Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering (JSCRTE) ( <a href="" target="_blank">p-ISSN: 2614-1264</a> ; <a href="" target="_blank">e-ISSN: 2614-1256</a> ) is published by Stem Cell Research and Development Center, Airlangga University. Stem Cell Research is dedicated to publishing high-quality manuscripts focusing on the biology and applications of stem cell research. Submissions to Stem Cell Research, may cover all aspects of stem cells, including embryonic stem cells, tissue-specific stem cells, cancerstem cells, developmental studies, genomics and translational research. Special focus of JSCRTE is on mechanisms of pluripotency and description of newly generated pluripotent stem cell lines. Articles that go through the selection process will be review by peer reviewer or editor. The journal is published regularly twice a year in December and May. Every publication consists of 60-70 pages and 5 scientific articles in the form of research, study literature, and the case study in English. The contributors Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering are Stem Cell researchers, lecturers, student and practitioners that came from Indonesia and abroad. Stem Cell Research and Development Center, Universitas Airlangga en-US Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering 2614-1264 <p><strong>1. 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It also abstracts and may translate its publications, and articles contained therein, for inclusion in various compendiums, collective works, databases and similar publications</p><p> </p><p>Every accepted manuscript should be accompanied by "Copyright Transfer Agreement" prior to the article publication.</p><p> </p><p> </p> THE INFLUENCE OF MARKERS IN THE DIFFERENTIATION PROCESS OF STEM CELLS INTO ENDOTHELIAL CELLS TO SUPPORT TREATMENT TESTING EXPERIMENTS <p>Research on stem cells, particularly their differentiation into endothelial cells, is highly significant in the field of biomedical science and regenerative therapy. Endothelial cells are crucial for blood vessel formation, wound healing, tissue regeneration, and the treatment of degenerative diseases. Human pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into various cell types, making them valuable for repairing or replacing damaged tissue. This study reviews the role of markers in distinguishing human stem cells into endothelial cells. A comprehensive literature search was conducted, and out of 428 screened articles, only 4 met the inclusion criteria. SOXF proteins were analyzed using scRNA-seq analysis, focusing on their role in enhancing stem cell differentiation. SOX17 was found to significantly increase the percentage of cells expressing CD34+ and Vascular Endothelial Cadherin (VEC), consistent with its known role in endoderm differentiation and endothelial cell specification. SOX17 can override pluripotency signals in human stem cells, triggering their differentiation into endothelial cells. Overexpression of SOX17 in human stem cells resulted in cells with endothelial characteristics, and combining SOX17 with FGF2 enhanced this effect, resulting in more than 90% of cells expressing endothelial stem cell markers (CD34+, VEC+, CD31+). SOXF was applied to prompt stem cell differentiation, with only SOX17 demonstrating notable effectiveness.</p> Nanis Nurdiyati Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 8 1 30 36 10.20473/jscrte.v8i1.58146 METABOLIC REGULATION AND EPIGENETIC CONTROL: UNRAVELING THE COMPLEXITY OF SKELETAL STEM CELL FATE AND BONE HEALTH <p>Skeletal stem cells (SSCs) are essential for bone formation and tissue regeneration within the skeletal system. These self-regenerating cells differentiate into various skeletal cell types, maintaining skeletal health. However, aging diminishes SSC capacity, impacting skeletal integrity. Epigenetics, the study of heritable changes in gene expression, plays a crucial role in stem cell regulation. Mechanisms like DNA methylation and histone modifications control gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. Dysregulation of epigenetic processes in transplanted cells may lead to immunological rejection or functional impairment. Understanding epigenetic regulation in stem cells is vital for tissue regeneration strategies. This narrative review focuses on summarizing existing scientific literature on epigenetic regulation within stem cells, particularly skeletal stem cells. The study utilized Google Scholar to search for relevant articles using keywords like "epigenetic", "stem cell", and "skeletal stem cell". Selection criteria included publication year, article title, abstract, Scopus ranking, and accessibility. Four articles were chosen as reference sources for the review. Recent research emphasizes cellular metabolism's role in regulating skeletal functions through skeletal stem cells (SSCs), crucial for skeletal health and potential regenerative therapies. Transcriptomic and epigenetic analysis of human SSCs reveal species-specific pathways. Metabolic pathways are vital for SSC selfrenewal and multipotency, with glycolysis being the primary energy source for human bone marrow stem cells. Aging affects bone cells and inherited epigenetic changes significantly influence cell fate. Recent studies identify Ptip as a key epigenetic regulator of glycolysis in SSCs, impacting growth plate activity.</p> Afrinda Dwi Wahyuni Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 8 1 13 23 10.20473/jscrte.v8i1.58141 CHARACTERIZATION OF AUTOFLUORESCENCE AS AN INDICATOR OF ACTIVATION STATE IN NEURAL STEM CELLS <p>Recent advancements in stem cell research have uncovered a novel autofluorescence marker pivotal for investigating the dormant state of stem cells. This marker presents a groundbreaking opportunity to monitor the transition of stem cells from a quiescent to an active state, facilitating the identification of cells entering the cell cycle. The primary objective of this research is to comprehensively review this marker's efficacy with the aim of developing therapeutic strategies for generating human nerve cells. A systematic literature search initially yielded 2297 articles on autofluorescence characterization as an indicator of activation state in neural stem cells (NSCs). However, only three articles met the stringent inclusion criteria, underscoring the novelty and scarcity of research in this domain. Autofluorescence, particularly in NSCs, offers a non-invasive approach to studying molecular processes and discerning various activation states, obviating the need for external labels. This technique not only preserves the intrinsic properties of cells but also circumvents biases inherent in traditional labeling methods. Moreover, when coupled with cutting-edge technologies such as Optical Coherence Tomography with Spectral Inverse Analysis (OCSI), it enables precise, real-time monitoring of metabolic alterations in NSCs during their transition from dormancy to activity.</p> Rachma Khairun Nisaa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 8 1 37 42 10.20473/jscrte.v8i1.58150 REGULATORY ROLE OF ETV4 IN EMBRYONIC STEM CELL FATE: INSIGHTS INTO MECHANOTRANSDUCTION AND LINEAGE DETERMINATION <p>Conventional cell biology studies focus on cellular responses to chemical signals, but cells also react to mechanical cues like density, size, and substrate rigidity, activating specific gene expression. Embryo development leads to the formation of a gastrula, establishing body structure and germ layers (endoderm, ectoderm, mesoderm) via diverse mechanisms. In humans, gastrulation begins with the Primitive Streak (PS) and T gene expression, guiding epiblast cell migration. Self-regulation occurs in gastruloid models, derived from human embryonic stem cells, capable of differentiation. Mediators like YAP/TAZ and PIEZO1 link density to cellular responses, with ETV4 serving as a link between mechanical environment and gene expression. This research employed a systematic literature review to synthesize relevant studies. Inspired by stem cell advancements, particularly ETV4's role, searches on PubMed yielded three articles meeting inclusion criteria. ES cells maintain undifferentiated states via ETV4 and ETV5. Rapid cell growth deactivates ETV4, prompting differentiation, influenced by mechanical cues. ETV4, ETV5, and SPRY4 regulate the FGF/ERK pathway, modulating sensitivity. High density initiates neuroectodermal cell formation, impacting integrin-actomyosin and FGFR pathways, via ETV4. Fluctuations in density dictate lineage fate, with ETV4 as a key sensor, linking density shifts to lineage determination via the ERK pathway.</p> Asa Ardiana Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 8 1 24 29 10.20473/jscrte.v8i1.58143 THE INVOLVEMENT OF DIFFERENT VITAMIN TYPES IN ASSISTING THE ACTIVATION OF STEM CELLS: A REVIEW <p>Recent research indicates that vitamins play a key role in regulating cellular processes, especially in <br>stem cells. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells with the potential to develop into various cell types <br>and regenerate themselves. The article selection process followed predetermined inclusion criteria and <br>spanned from March 18, 2024, to March 31, 2024, lasting one month. Articles were searched using <br>specific keywords, and those meeting the criteria were selected. Six articles were collected for review, <br>primarily focusing on assessing the role of each vitamin in stem cell survival. Most vitamins studied <br>have shown similar functions in enhancing the viability of stem cells by promoting their <br>differentiation. However, recent research has revealed a unique role for vitamin E in relation to stem <br>cells. Vitamin E acts as a facilitator for mesenchymal stem cells, inhibiting dendritic cells and <br>enhancing their immunomodulatory effects. All these vitamins are pivotal in preserving the wellbeing <br>and functionality of both stem cells and bodily tissues.</p> Tyastuti Prima Hapsari Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Stem Cell Research and Tissue Engineering 2024-05-28 2024-05-28 8 1 1 12 10.20473/jscrte.v8i1.57473