Media Gizi Indonesia
<p align="justify"><em>Media Gizi Indonesia</em> (MGI) / National Nutrition Journal (<a href="">p-ISSN 1693-7228</a> ; <a href="">e-ISSN 2540-8410</a>) is a scientific journal on nutrition. It is periodically published every 4 months, in January, May, and September. MGI also collaborates with <em>Perhimpunan Pakar Gizi dan Pangan Indonesia </em>(PERGIZI PANGAN Indonesia). MGI serves as communication media for disseminating information on research results and literature reviews which focus on community nutrition, clinical nutrition, institutional nutrition, food service management, food technology, and current issues on food and nutrition. </p>Universitas Airlanggaen-USMedia Gizi Indonesia1693-7228<ol><li><em>MEDIA GIZI INDONESIA </em>Journal is the copyright owner of all materials published on this website. </li><li>The formal legal provisions for access to digital articles of this electronic journal are subject to the terms of the <em>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license</em> (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), which means that <em>MEDIA GIZI INDONESIA</em> Journal and readers reserve the right to save, transmit media / format, manage in database, maintain, and publish articles as long as it continues to include the name of the Author.</li><li>Printed and published print and electronic manuscripts are open access for educational, research and library purposes. In addition to these objectives, the editorial board shall not be liable for violations of copyright law.</li></ol>Multidimensional Analysis of Changing Eating Habits: Understanding the Coffee Shop Phenomenon in Indonesia
<p>Globalization and technological development have led to changes in lifestyles, including eating habits such as coffee consumption. The proliferation of cafes is evidence that coffee consumption has become a trend among adolescents and young adults who are exhibiting shift toward unhealthy eating patterns, such as consuming of high-sugar coffee. This study aims to analyse changes in eating habits in adults based on the theory of A Multidimensional Approach to the Study of Food Habits. This study used a systematic review using PRISMA method. Articles were sourced from two databases, Scopus and Google Scholar covering the past 8 years (2016-2024) with a total of 18 articles reviewed. The results showed that culture, ideology, food consumption, and preferences significantly influence coffee consumption habits. In Indonesia coffee culture not only about taste, but also involves social interaction, self-identity, and self-expression. Additionally, it was influenced by access, habits, needs, psychological factors, culture, and health. Coffee selection preferences were shaped by technological and socioeconomic factors including (promotions, discounts, employment, and income). This study provides insights into the factors influencing changes in eating habits, particularly coffee consumption, and can inform the development of effective interventions to promote healthy eating habits in this age group.</p>Rahmauldianti SafitriElvy RamadaniFakhiratunnisa Putri OceaniIkeu Tanziha
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<p>Physical behaviours research in adolescents is still limiting in regard of overweight/obesity. Physical behaviour according to World Health Organization Global School Student Health Survey (WHO-GSHS) had four components namely physical activity, active transportation, physical education and sedentary behaviour showed inconsistent results investigating the obesity/overweight epidemic. The objective of this study is to examine the physical behaviour and metabolic components in overweight/obese adolescents. A cross-sectional study was conducted from September to October 2019 involving healthy obese adolescents with overweight/obesity in Sidoarjo and Surabaya. The statistical analysis was test of normality for interval/ratio variables, descriptive, bivariate correlation and binary logistic regression. All the analysis were conducted using SPSS ver. 21 (IBM, US). A total of 109 subjects were recruited in this study, consisting of male (50.46%) and female (49.54%) adolescents. The mean age of the subjects were 15.13 + 1.46 years old<strong>. </strong>Adolescents with sufficient physical activity, physical transport, physical class and recommended screen time was 93.58%, 23.85%, 14.68% and 36.70% respectively. The overweight subjects were 63 (57.80%) and obesity was 46 (42.20%), and prevalent in male than female (65.22% vs. 34.78%, p=0.012). The prevalent of MetS was 53.21%, no significant difference of MetS distribution among male and female (p=0.506). Subjects with physically transport behaviour had lower risk of abdominal obesity by 0.266-times than subjects with physically immobile. Thus, physical behaviour score did not correlate with anthropometric parameters indicating to overweight/obesity and metabolic factors, but the component of physical behaviour, especially sedentary lifestyle correlated with anthropometric parameters and systolic blood pressure.</p>Rino Tryanto Keya Nur Aisiyah WidjajaTausiyah Rohmah NoviyantiYoppi Yeremia AlexanderIitdrie IitdrieEdi HermantoEva ArdianahMoh BahmidMeta Herdiana HaninditaRoedi Irawan
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<p>One of the signs of puberty experienced by young women is menstruation, some young women experience pain known as dysmenorrhea during menstruation. Iron is one of the essential nutrients for adolescent reproduction, and its deficiency can increase the risk of dysmenorrhea. Stress can also affect Dysmenorrhea, as stress can lead to hormonal imbalances and the secretion of prostaglandin hormones produced by stress. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between iron intake and stress levels with the incidence of primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls at PB Soedirman Islamic High School Bekasi. This study uses an observational analytic method with a cross-sectional design, and data collection using consecutive sampling techniques with 100 respondents. Data were collected through semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaires (SQ-FFQ) and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and determining the incidence of dysmenorrhea using dysmenorrhea questionnaires. The results measured by Chi-square test, showed p-values for iron intake (0.010) and stress levels (0.002). This study found a significant correlation between stress levels and iron intake in adolescent girls in PB Soedirman Islamic High School Bekasi.</p>Nur MuawanahMeti KurniawatiPutri Rahmah AlamsyahAnisa Sekar Widhi
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<p>Introduction: In 2020, labor force participation rate for women in East Java province was 70,0%, and in Lumajang district reached 66,19%. Women usually have a higher fat mass compared to men. Body composition dominated by fat mass can reduce oxygen distribution process, can cause anaerobic energy metabolism which produce lactic acid as final product and causes fatigue. Low diet quality is related with high energy and fat intake which will result in body fat mass elevation and work fatigue. This study aimed to determine the correlation between diet quality and body composition with work fatigue. Method: This study used cross sectional design with total respondents of 120 female workers in production division of wood factory. Collected data were means of anthropometric measurements (weight, height, upper arm circumference, and abdominal circumference), Semi Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire, and Subjective Self Rating Test. Correlation test used were Chi square test continued with Pearson correlation test. Result: Result showed a significant correlation between work fatigue and total sodium intake per day (p=0.040), total saturated fat intake (p=0.037), Body Mass Index (p<0.001), abdominal circumference (p<0.001), and upper arm circumference (p=0.002). Conclusion: Improving diet quality and decreasing body fat mass can reduce work fatigue.</p>Dominikus Raditya Atmaka, S.Gz, MPHShintia Yunita AriniMawadatul Khoiroh
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<p>Elevated blood glucose when fasting is among the hazards associated with Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Obesity and diabetes mellitus are tightly associated. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist-Hip Ratio (WHR) measurements may be used to determine obesity. Prabumulih is known as city with a DM incidence of 2.02% in 2018, was placed second in South Sumatra. This research aims to investigate the relationship between BMI and WHR and older patient fasting blood glucose level in Tanjung Rambang Public Health Center operating region. Cross-sectional observational analysis is the method used in this study. The pre-elderly (45–59 years old) who resided in Tanjung RambangPublic Health Center working area made up as the population. Purposive sampling was used to choose 190 participants, meeting inclusion and exclusion criteria. This research use univariate and bivariate data analysis (using Chi Square test α=0.05). The majority of respondents (66.8%) are overweight; 53.2% of respondents had abnormal WHR; and 15.3% of respondents still had abnormal fasting blood glucose level. The analysis findings demonstrated no correlation (p=0.633) between BMI and fasting blood glucose level. The association between WHR and fasting blood glucose level is concluded to exist (p=0.001).</p>Yuliarti YuliartiFatmalina FebryIndah Purnama Sari
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2025-01-302025-01-30201384310.20473/mgi.v20i1.38-43Potassium Levels, Antioxidant Activity, and Acceptability of Yellow Velvetleaf (Limnocharis flava (L.) Buchenau.) Snack Bar
<p>Snack food consumption are high in fat and sodium, contributing to the risk of hypertension. One potential solution to this issue is to transform snacks into a more nutritionally superior form, such as snack bars. Previous studies did not thoroughly explore the potassium content of yellow velvetleaf as a potential product for addressing hypertension. This study aimed to investigate the differences in potassium content antioxidant activity and acceptability in snack bars with the addition of yellow velvetleaf flour. This research adopted a true experimental design. The gravimetric method was employed to determine potassium content, while the DPPH method was used to assess antioxidant activity. Statistical analysis of the average potassium content and antioxidant activity revealed significant differences among snack bars with 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% added yellow velvetleaf flour. The highest average potassium content, 325.67 mg, was observed in the 15% treatment, while the maximum average antioxidant activity reached 21.7%. Considering the acceptability of the snack bars based on liking tests and statistical analysis, the treatment with 10% added yellow velvetleaf flour emerged as the most preferred in terms of taste and texture. The incorporation of yellow velvetleaf flour into snack bars not only increased potassium levels and antioxidant activity but also influenced overall acceptability. Conclusion of this research is the optimal formulation for the yellow velvetleaf snack bar is X2, because of containing a higher acceptance level and contains potassium which could serve as a viable solution to enhance potassium intake following current dietary habits.</p>Agnes BoenardySepty Handayani
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2025-01-302025-01-30201445210.20473/mgi.v20i1.44-52Determinant of Household Food Waste: A Direct Measurement Study in Tanah Sareal Sub-District of Bogor City
<p>The percentage of food waste generation has increased in Indonesia for 20 years, with 80% of food waste coming from households. This can cause various significant negative impacts on the environment, economy and social. Various factors affect the production of household food waste. This study aims to analyze household food waste based on its quantity, type, and determinants. This study uses some secondary data from primary research conducted by Swamilaksita (2024) with <em>a cross-sectional</em><em> design</em>. The study sample of 110 households was selected using<em> a stratified random sampling</em> technique. Food waste data was obtained through direct measurement using the SNI 19-3964-1994 method. The entire data was analyzed descriptively, while multiple linear regression analysis was carried out to determine the determinants of household food waste. This study showed that the average amount of food waste was 318.4 g/HH/day and 76.7 g/cap/day. The cereal group was the most discarded food group, followed by vegetables and fruits group. Only three variables were proven to be statistically significant (p-value<0.1) affect the average amount of household food waste, namely the number of household members (p=0.000), mother work as civil servant/private employee (p=0.049), and purchasing and spending behavior (p=0.084). The conclusion was there is an average amount of food waste in units per household and per capita, with the dominant food group is the cereal group, as well as the determinants of household food waste, including number of household members, mother work as a civil servant/private employee, and purchasing and spending behavior.</p>Liya Putri RahmaniyaDodik BriawanDadang SukandarPrita Dhyani Swamilaksita
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2025-01-302025-01-30201536210.20473/mgi.v20i1.53-62Risk Factor for Stunting in Toddlers Aged 24-59 Months in Kersana Public Health Center Working Area
<p>According to the Indonesia Nutrition Status Survey 2022, Central Java highest stunting rate is in Brebes District. In Brebes Regency, the prevalence of stunting increased by 2.8% between 2021 and 2022. The goal of the study was to investigate the risk factors for stunting in toddlers in the Kersana Public Health Center area between the age of 24 and 59 months. This study employed a quantitative approach using a case-control design. Purposive sampling was used to create a sample set of 90. There are two variables in this study, namely the dependent variable (stunting) and the independent variables (family income, mother and father education, immunization, LBW, PBL, birth spacing, mother SEZ status during pregnancy, environmental sanitation, energy and protein intake, IMD, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, history of diarrhea and respiratory tract infections). The binary logistic regression test on multivariate analysis and the chi-square test were utilized in the bivariate analysis test. The study findings indicated that the following variables were linked to the incidence of stunting: immunization status (p-value=0.000), family income (p-value=0.000), environmental sanitation (p-value=0.000), history of diarrhea (p-value=0.030), early breastfeeding initiation history (p-value=0.006), history of exclusive breastfeeding (p-value=0.003), history of complementary feeding (p-value=0.000), energy intake (p-value=0.000), and protein intake (p-value= 0.001). According to the research, immunization status and energy intake are the two risk variables that have the most significant effects on stunting in children between the ages of 24 and 59 months. </p>Novita Dewi Siti ShiyamiMardiana
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2025-01-302025-01-30201637310.20473/mgi.v20i1.63-73Soil-Transmitted Helminth Infection and Macronutrient Intake among Stunted Toddlers in Panti Sub-district, Jember
<p>Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are one of the most common infectious diseases in the developing world, with prevalence rates as high as 65%. STH infections generally affect the digestive system, which can reduce appetite and nutrient absorption. This study aimed to determine the association between STH infection and macronutrient intake in stunted toddlers aged 12-36 months in Panti Sub-district, Jember Regency. This study used observational analysis method with cross-sectional approach. The total number of subjects was 83 stunted toddlers. Data on STH infection were collected through fecal examination and 2x24 hour food recall questionnaire to assess their macronutrient intake. The results of the study showed that the prevalence of STH was 4.8% with species identified in the examinations such as <em>Ascaris lumbricoides</em> (2.4%) and hookworm (2.4%). The majority of macronutrient intake was considered sufficient for protein (77.1%), deficit for carbohydrate (94%) and fat (77.1%). Bivariate analysis using the contingency coefficient correlation test showed that there was no significant correlation between STH infection and macronutrient intake. Based on the results of this study, macronutrient intake may be influenced by other factors such as the role of parents in preparing nutritious food, economic status, and mild degree of infection. However, the underlying mechanism remains unclear and should be further investigated.</p>Ghaiska Najma AmnurYunita ArmiyantiIrawan Fajar KusumaLeersia Yusi RatnawatiWiwien Sugih UtamiBagus Hermansyah
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<p>Stunting is a failure of child growth characterized by a lack of height for age Z-score caused by chronic nutritional problems. Stunting has a negative impact on the quality of human resources in the future. Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) is the province with the highest stunting cases in Indonesia. LKC Dompet Dhuafa NTT help to accelerate stunting mitigation carried out in Kawasan Sehat Program. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of stunting interventions through The Kawasan Sehat Program in Oebelo Village. This research is a qualitative and quantitative evaluative research with input-process-output approach. The selection of informants purposive sampling technique with seven informants. Primary data were collected by interviews and observations. Meanwhile, secondary data is carried out by reviewing documents. In the input component, there are still constraints in the adequacy of facilities, infrastructure, and cadre transportation. In the process component, necessary to enhance partnerships and strengthen the commitment of the target groups of the program. In the output component, there has been a decrease in stunting prevalence from 8% to 4%. There are several factors that affect the output such as economic factors, sanitation, and customs. Concluded that the stunting interventions in Kawasan Sehat Oebelo were effective and all components of inputs-processes-outputs were running well.</p>Selawati SelawatiShafira Salsabila SamaraMartina Tirta SariKurnia AmeliaDanan Panggih WisastraFitri Ayu RahmawatiUmmi Kalsum Muhammad
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2025-01-302025-01-30201818710.20473/mgi.v20i1.81-87Back Matter National Nutrition Journal Vol. 20 No. 1
Prof. Dr. Annis Catur Adi, Ir., M.Si
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2025-01-302025-01-30201Front Matter Jurnal MGI Vol. 20 No. 1
Prof. Dr. Annis Catur Adi, Ir., M.Si
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