Media Iuris 2024-03-22T13:43:02+07:00 Aktieva Tri Tjitrawati Open Journal Systems <p align="justify">Media Iuris (P-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2721-8384</a>, E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2621-5225</a>) is an open-access-peer-reviewed legal journal affiliated with the Faculty of Law of Airlangga University, which was published for the first time in 2018 in the online version. The purpose of this journal is as a forum for academics, researchers, and practitioners to contribute their ideas in the fields legal developments in Asia and developing countries facing of contemporary issues. The scope of the articles published in this journal deal with a broad range of legal topics, including: Civil and Commercial Law; Constitutional Law; Administrative Law; Criminal Law; International Law; Comparative Law; Family Law; Sharia Law; Environmental Law; Human Rights; and Health Law.<span style="font-size: 0.875rem;"> </span>All submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal. We publish two categories of papers; original research papers and review article. This journal is published three times a year in February, June and October by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Airlangga</a>.</p> <p>For submission, please kindly open <a href="">HERE. </a></p> Front Matter Volume 7 No. 1, February 2024 2024-03-22T13:40:55+07:00 Media Iuris <p>Volume 7 No. 1, February 2024</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Back Matter Volume 7 No. 1, February 2024 2024-03-22T13:43:02+07:00 Media Iuris <p>Back Matter Volume 7 No. 1, February 2024</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Redesain Pengisian Kekosongan Jabatan Wakil Presiden Menurut Konstitusi 2024-01-25T09:20:49+07:00 Antono Adhi Susanto Ghunarsa Sujatnika <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /><em>The regulation of the period for filling the vacant position of Vice President as stipulated in Article 8 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (Constitution) only governs the duration of People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) sessions. Nonetheless, it does not govern the appointment of the elected Vice President. Therefore, it left problems in the effectiveness and efficiency of electing the Vice President. This research focused on two issues, the practice of filling the Vice President’s vacant position in Indonesia and its ideal concept in Indonesia. This research applies normative legal research method with a comparative approach to provisions related to the Vice President’s vacant position in several countries. In the end, the conclusion shows two findings. First, after the amendment to the Constitution, a mechanism for filling the vacant position of Vice President has been regulated, supported by two factors, Vice President is a constitutional position, also because of the effectiveness and efficiency of the elections through the MPR. Second, Article 8 paragraph (2) of the Constitution needs to be revised by requiring one candidate, limiting the period for the Vice President’s election to seven days, as well as amending MPR’s authority to approve and fill the position of interim Vice President. <br /></em><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Redesign; Filling Post; Vice President.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Pengaturan jangka waktu pengisian kekosongan jabatan Wakil Presiden dalam Pasal 8 ayat (2) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 hanya mengatur waktu sidang MPR dan bukan mengatur penetapan Wakil Presiden terpilih, sehingga masih terdapat permasalahan efektivitas dan efisiensi terpilihnya Wakil. Penelitian ini mengkaji dua hal, yaitu praktik pengisian kekosongan jabatan Wakil Presiden di Indonesia dan konsep ideal pengisian kekosongan jabatan wakil presiden di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan pengaturan kekosongan jabatan Wakil Presiden pada konstitusi beberapa negara. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan, Pertama, pasca amendemen UUD 1945 telah diatur mekanisme pengisian kekosongan jabatan Wakil Presiden karena Wakil Presiden merupakan jabatan konstitusional dan mempertimbangkan faktor efektivitas dan efisien dengan pemilihan melalui MPR. Kedua, Pasal 8 ayat (2) UUD 1945 perlu diperbaiki dengan mengatur satu orang calon, pembatasan waktu terpilihnya Wakil Presiden menjadi tujuh hari, perubahan peran MPR untuk melakukan persetujuan dan pengisian jabatan Wakil Presiden sementara.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Redesain; Pengisian Jabatan; Wakil Presiden.<em><br /></em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Antono Adhi Susanto, Ghunarsa Sujatnika Paradigma Hukum Kedudukan Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia Dalam Pengamanan Aksi Unjuk Rasa 2023-07-17T15:00:32+07:00 Arnapi Karnaji Izzah Khalif Raihan Abidin Rofadan Mina Arsyada <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /><em>The law will continue to develop to achieve justice. In social life, the Indonesian National Police is essential in ensuring security and order, including demonstrations by certain groups of people. Indonesia, as a democratic country, absolutely guarantees the existence of public opinion, namely freedom of speech, freedom of the press, intellectual freedom, and freedom of religion, as stated in Article 28E paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and detailed in other laws and regulations. Departing from the issue of violence in demonstrations, we will discuss the legal urgency of granting constitutional rights to demonstrations, the status and criminal responsibility of the Indonesian National Police in security and state order. The inconsistency in the recognition of constitutional rights at demonstrations can be seen in the criminal sanctions for the Indonesian National Police who commit acts that violate the law that have not been applied strictly and proportionately.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Rally; Constitutional Rights; Human Rights; Criminal Liability; The Indonesian National Police.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Hukum akan terus berkembang untuk mencapai suatu keadilan. Dalam kehidupan sosial bermasyarakat, Kepolisian Republik Indonesia memegang peranan penting untuk menjamin keamanan dan ketertiban salah satunya aksi unjuk rasa yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok orang tertentu. Indonesia sebagai negara demokrasi secara absolut menjamin eksistensi pendapat umum yakni kebebasan berbicara, kebebasan pers, kebebasan intelektual, dan kebebasan beragama sebagaimana Pasal 28E ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dan diperinci dalam peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya. Berangkat pada isu kekerasan dalam aksi unjuk rasa, akan dibahas urgensi hukum pemberian hak konstitusi pada unjuk rasa, kedudukan dan pertanggungjawaban pidana Kepolisian Republik Indonesia dalam keamanan dan ketertiban negara. Inkonsistensi pengakuan hak konstitusi pada unjuk rasa nampak pada sanksi pidana bagi POLRI yang melakukan perbuatan melanggar hukum yang belum diterapkan secara tegas dan proporsional.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Unjuk Rasa; Hak Konstitusi; Hak Asasi Manusia; Pertanggungjawaban Pidana; Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia.<em><br /></em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Arnapi, Karnaji, Izzah Khalif Raihan Abidin, Rofadan Mina Arsyada Pengaturan Kendaraan Modifikasi Untuk Difabel dalam Pengoperasian Lalu Lintas dalam Prespektif Hukum Transportasi 2023-04-03T13:29:05+07:00 Auliya Cistaraja Javier Dywananda Zahry Vandawati Chumaida <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /><em>Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation stipulates that motorized vehicles operating on highways must meet technical and other road requirements as referred to in Article 48 of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation. In the development of motorized vehicles, modifications are often made both for hobbies, work, and others, even to make it easier for persons with disabilities to drive motorized vehicles, modifications to motorized vehicles are carried out which cause changes in type or not to change type. This research is intended to analyze and answer the regulation of modified vehicles used by persons with disabilities on the road. This research approach uses a statutory approach (statute approach) and a conceptual approach (conceptual approach). This type of research data is normative research by examining examining the rules related to disabilities and Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and TransportationNumber. For this reason, if a modified vehicle is in accordance with Article 6 and Article 64 Government Regulation Number 55 of 2012 concerning Vehicles, it must meet technical and road-worthy requirements. In addition, the operation of motorized vehicles by persons with disabilities that have been modified is permitted as long as they meet the technical and road-worthy requirements and the persons with disabilities have a driving license D in accordance with the provisions of the Road Traffic and Transportation Law Number 22 of 2009.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Motorized Vehicles; Persons with Disabilities; Motorized Vehicle Modifications.<br /></em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan memberikan pengaturan terhadap kendaraan bermotor yang dioperasikan di jalan raya harus memenuhi syarat teknis dan lain jalan sebagaimana Pasal 48 Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan. Dalam perkembangannya terhadap kendaraan bermotor dengan modifikasi yang salah satunya peruntukannya untuk memudahkan para penyandang disabilitas dalam mengendarai kendaraan bermotor, maka dilakukan modifikasi kendaraan bermotor yang menyebabkan perubahan tipe maupun tidak merubah tipe. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan guna menganalisis dan menjawab terhadap pengaturan kendaraan modifikasi yang digunakan oleh para penyandang disabilitas di jalan raya. Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan undang-undang (statute approach) dan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Jenis data penelitian ini adalah penelitian normative dengan menelaah aturan yang terkait dengan difabel dan Undang Undang Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan Nomor 22 Tahun 2009. Untuk itu apabila kendaraan yang dimodifikasi sesuai Pasal 6 dan Pasal 64 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 55 Tahun 2012 tentang Kendaraan maka harus memenuhi persyaratan teknis dan laik jalan. Selain itu Pengoperasian kendaraan bermotor oleh penyandang disabillitas yang sudah dimodifikasi diperbolehkan sepanjang memenuhi persyaratn teknis dan laik jalan serta penyandang disailtas tersebut memiliki SIM D sesuai ketentuan dalam Undang Undang Lalu Lintas Angkutan Jalan Nomor 22 Tahun 2009.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Kendaraan Bermotor; Penyandang Disabilitas; Modikasi Kendaraan Bermotor.<em><br /></em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Auliya Cistaraja Javier Dywananda, Zahry Vandawati Chumaida Problematika Kewenangan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Dalam Pengujian Unsur Penyalahgunaan Wewenang 2024-01-10T09:35:16+07:00 Awaludin Nur Ihfan <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><br /><em>The Administrative Court has the authority to examine the elements of abuse of authority based on Article 21 of Government Administration Act in conjunction with Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) 4/2015. This authority has several problems such as the vagueness of the limitation of authority in Article 2 of Perma 4/2015 and the legal vacuum of the application period. The purpose of this research is to provide a prescription to answer some of these problems. The type of research uses normative legal research with a statutory approach, case approach, and conceptual approach. The results of the analysis show that the phrase before the criminal process in Article 2 paragraph (1) can be interpreted as before the investigation process because it is the earliest stage of the criminal process under the Criminal Procedure Code, but the provision must still be reformulated because it results in dualism of authority and contradicts the purpose of the establishment of the abuse of authority element test. Meanwhile, the phrase APIP supervision results in Article 2 paragraph (2) must be interpreted as the results of supervision both in the form of Regular and Specific Purpose in order to provide protection and equality before the law for parties harmed by both forms of supervision. Regarding the legal vacuum of the application deadline, it cannot directly apply the provisions of the lawsuit deadline in the State Administrative Court Law because of the difference in concepts and paradigms between the two. It is better to conduct a more comprehensive study in advance in order to formulate the provisions of the grace period for testing the elements of abuse of authority with legal certainty and justice.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Authority; State Administrative Court; Examining Elements of Abuse of Authority.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />PTUN memiliki kewenangan untuk melakukan pengujian unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang berdasarkan Pasal 21 UUAP juncto Perma 4/2015. Kewenangan tersebut memiliki beberapa problematika seperti kekaburan batasan kewenangan dalam Pasal 2 Perma 4/2015 serta kekosongan hukum tenggang waktu permohonan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan preskripsi guna menjawab beberapa problematika tersebut. Jenis penelitian menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa frasa sebelum adanya proses pidana dalam Pasal 2 ayat (1) dapat dimaknai sebagai sebelum proses penyelidikan karena merupakan tahap proses pidana paling awal berdasarkan KUHAP, tetapi ketentuan tersebut tetap harus direformulasi karena mengakibatkan dualisme kewenangan serta bertentangan dengan tujuan dibentuknya pengujian unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang. Sedangkan frasa hasil pengawasan APIP dalam Pasal 2 ayat (2) harus dimaknai sebagai hasil pengawasan baik dalam bentuk Reguler maupun Tujuan Tertentu agar dapat memberikan perlindungan serta persamaan dihadapan hukum bagi pihak yang dirugikan oleh kedua bentuk pengawasan tersebut. Terkait kekosongan hukum tenggang waktu permohonan tidak bisa secara langsung menerapkan ketentuan tenggang waktu gugatan dalam UU PTUN karena perbedaan konsep dan paradigma antara keduanya. Sebaiknya dilakukan pengkajian yang lebih komprehensif terlebih dahulu guna merumuskan ketentuan tenggang waktu permohonan pengujian unsur penyalahgunaan wewenang yang berkepastian hukum dan berkeadilan.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Kewenangan; Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara; Pengujian Unsur Penyalahgunaan Wewenang.<em><br /></em></p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Awaludin Nur Ihfan Pembatasan Yudisial dan Perluasan Kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Memutus Sengketa Hasil Pilkada 2023-07-01T11:26:25+07:00 Bimo Fajar Hantoro <p><strong><em>Abstract<br /></em></strong><em>The Constitutional Court in Decision Number 85/PUU-XX/2022 stated that the authority to decide regional head election result dispute is the Constitutional Court’s original authority. This decision represents a shift from the Court’s position in Decision Number 97/PUU-XI/2013, which stated that the Court’s authority to settle regional head election result disputes is temporary. The purpose of this study is to examine Decision Number 85/PUU-XX/2022 according to the concept of judicial restraint. This is a juridical-normative research, employing statutory, case, conceptual, and historical approaches. The data used are primary and secondary legal materials. The findings of the study point to two major conclusions. First, there is a dynamic in the regulation of the authority to decide regional head election result dispute. This dynamic occurs as a result of the Court’s inconsistent interpretation of the position of regional head elections in the electoral regime, the Court’s authority, and the extent of legislators’ lawmaking authority. Second, from the standpoint of judicial restraint, the Constitutional Court Decision Number 85/PUU-XX/2022 cannot be justified because of three main considerations: (1) the constitutional limits of Court’s authority based on textual, grammatical, and historical interpretations; (2) the ambiguity and variability of interpretations of the Court’s authorities under the 1945 Constitution; and (3) separation of powers and institutional limitations of the Constitutional Court.<br /></em><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Judicial Restraint; Constitutional Court; Regional Head Election Dispute.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak <br /></strong>Pasca Putusan MK Nomor 85/PUU-XX/2022, Mahkamah Konstitusi menyatakan kewenangan memutus sengketa hasil pemilihan kepala daerah sebagai kewenangan asli dari Mahkamah Konstitusi. Putusan tersebut merupakan bentuk pergeseran pendirian Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam Putusan MK Nomor 97/PUU-XI/2013 yang menyatakan kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi memutus sengketa hasil pilkada sebagai kewenangan yang bersifat sementara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji Putusan MK Nomor 85/PUU-XX/2022 dari sudut pandang pembatasan yudisial. Penelitian ini bersifat yuridis-normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan historis. Data yang digunakan berupa bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan dua kesimpulan. Pertama, bahwa terdapat dinamika pengaturan kewenangan penyelesaian sengketa hasil pilkada. Dinamika tersebut terjadi karena inkonsistensi penafsiran Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam memaknai letak pilkada dalam rezim pemilihan, kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi, dan luas kewenangan mengatur pembentuk undang-undang. Kedua, dalam sudut pandang pembatasan yudisial, Putusan MK Nomor 85/PUU-XX/2022 tidak dapat dijustifikasi karena tiga pertimbangan utama, yaitu: (1) batasan kewenangan konstitusional Mahkamah Konstitusi berdasarkan penafsiran tekstual, gramatikal, dan historis; (2) kekaburan dan keragaman penafsiran terhadap norma UUD NRI 1945 mengenai kewenangan sengketa hasil pilkada; dan (3) pemisahan kekuasaan dan batasan institusional Mahkamah Konstitusi.<br /><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Pembatasan Yudisial; Mahkamah Konstitusi; Sengketa Hasil Pilkada.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bimo Fajar Hantoro The Threshold Requirements For Presidential Nomination On The Constitutional Perspective 2023-05-02T14:02:45+07:00 Dian Fitri Sabrina Sukardi <p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />The presidential nomination model through the threshold is a provision regulated in the election law. The practice of presidential elections in Indonesia is often a difficult moment for both political parties and citizens. Several decisions of the Constitutional Court related to the review of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, particularly regarding the threshold for declaring Article 222 of the Election Law not contradicting the constitution, meaning that Article 222 of the Election Law is considered to have complied with Article 6A paragraph (2) of the Constitution, but from the results research on article 222 of the Election Law still does not reflect the meaning contained in article 6A paragraph 2 of the Constitution. This research aims to build a presidential nomination model in the 2024 general election in Indonesia. This research is a doctrinal research using a case approach and a legal approach. This study was conducted by looking at the practice of the electoral threshold model for the 2004, 2009, 2014 and 2019 periods as well as the provisions stipulated in the Election Law and the constitution. The results of the study indicate that it is necessary to form an ideal presidential candidacy model, namely using the maximum threshold as a requirement, in order to produce qualified presidential candidates who become leaders who are responsible, have integrity and are the hope of all Indonesian citizens.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Threshold Requirements; Presidential Nomination; Constitutional Perspective.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dian Fitri Sabrina, Sukardi Sukardi The Epistemology of Land in an Adat Perspective: Philosophical Aspects of Human Relations With Land in the View of Mohammad Koesnoe 2024-01-08T09:16:19+07:00 Oemar Moechthar Agus Sekarmadji Soelistyowati Ellyne Dwi Poespasari John Roberto Sampe <p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />The spirit of agrarian law reform in Indonesia has been proposed since 2001, but to date it has not been realized. On the one hand, the existence of adat law as the basis for the formation of national agrarian law as stated in the UUPA needs to be questioned again, whether it actually uses adat law as its raw material, or whether it still uses colonial law. The discussion in this article aims to contribute ideas related to the reform of agrarian law in Indonesia which is based on customary law regarding land. The direction of this reform is based more on the views of adat law expert, Mohammad Koesnoe. The type of research in this article is legal research using a conceptual approach and also a statute approach, and analyzed using historical, systematic and grammatical interpretation methods. The research results show that customary law is still relevant to use as a basis for legal reform in Indonesia while still referring to the rechtsidee of the Indonesian nation as stated in Pancasila. Therefore, agrarian reform in Indonesia should refer to the original law of the Indonesian people, namely adat law.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Adat Land Law; Agrarian Law Reform; Soil Epistemology.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oemar Moechthar, Agus Sekarmadji, Soelistyowati, Ellyne Dwi Poespasari, John Roberto Sampe Ratio Legis Investigation by the Prosecutor: A Review of Distribution of Power in Investigation of Corruption Crime 2023-11-24T16:10:34+07:00 R.B. Muhammad Zainal Abidin <p><strong>Abstract</strong><br />This study discusses the distribution of investigative powers in the context of law enforcement on corruption crime. The urgency in this research that is to be achieved is to know the concept of distribution of investigative power in the field of corruption crime and to know the law with a closer distance to the ratio legis. The Prosecutor is given the authority to investigate corruption crimes. The preparation of this research uses legal research by analyzing legislation as well as treatises on discussing the draft act which arrange institutions are authorized to investigate corruption crime. The results of this study indicate that in a lex specialis manner, those authorized to investigate corruption crime are investigators at the Prosecutor and the Corruption Crime Eradication Commission, in addition to investigators at the Police institution who are also authorized to investigate corruption crime in a lex generalis manner. The three institutions are equally authorized to investigate corruption crime based on the concept of cooperating with each other. The ratio legis forming the act when discussing the draft act number 16 of 2004 concerning the Prosecutor’s Office gives the Prosecutor authority to investigate corruption crime, namely that people have high hopes for the prosecutor’s office as one of the important pillars in upholding the supremacy of law and being pro-actively involved in eradicating rampant corruption crime in all areas of life, bearing in mind that corruptors in Indonesia at that time were experts in breaking into banks, taking state money abroad for the sole reason of seeking treatment abroad, destroying evidence, manipulating data, and being able to trick prosecutors into going abroad freely. The people’s high hopes for the Prosecutor are based on Rousseau’s social contract theory in the making of the act.<br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Distribution of Power; Investigation; Corruption Crime.</p> 2024-02-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 R.B. Muhammad Zainal Abidin H. Ahmad Zahri