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1 - 6 of 6 items
The thickness of odontoblast-like cell layer after induced by propolis extract and calcium hydroxide
Abstract : 1798
PDF : 2639
The difference in microleakage levels of nanohybrid composite resin using eighth-generation ethanol and isopropanol solvent bonding materials under moist and dry conditions (in vitro study)
Abstract : 1302
PDF : 1071
The different effects of preheating and heat treatment on the surface microhardness of nanohybrid resin composite
Abstract : 2782
PDF : 1432
During and post COVID-19 pandemic: prevention of cross infection at dental practices in country with tropical climate
Abstract : 9629
PDF : 6690
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) gel extract as an antioxidant on the shear bond strength of a resin composite post-bleaching application with 40% hydrogen peroxide
Abstract : 1801
PDF : 921
1 - 6 of 6 items