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1 - 14 of 14 items
Effects of soy isoflavone genistein on orthodontic tooth movement in guinea pigs
Abstract : 1481
PDF : 1613
Effect of caffeine in chocolate (Theobroma cacao) on the alveolar bone mineral density in guinea pigs (Cavia cobaya) with orthodontic tooth movement
Abstract : 1864
PDF : 1380
Morphological changes of alveolar bone due to orthodontic movement of maxillary and mandibulary incisors
Abstract : 922
PDF : 2535
The effect of silanated and impregnated fiber on the tensile strength of E-glass fiber reinforced composite retainer
Abstract : 1197
PDF : 1051
Increased TGF-β1 level after cocoa administration during orthodontics tooth movement in Cavia cobaya
Abstract : 347
PDF : 189
The effect of nanochitosan hydrogel membrane on absorbtion of nickel, inhibition of Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans
Abstract : 1230
PDF : 1027
Reversibilitas kalsifikasi tulang akibat kekurangan protein pre dan post natal (Reversibility of bone calcification on pre and post natal protein deficiency)
Abstract : 1795
PDF : 5735
Pelepasan ion nikel dan kromium kawat Australia dan stainless steel dalam saliva buatan (The release of nickel and chromium ions from Australian wire and stainless steel in artificial saliva)
Abstract : 3142
PDF : 4356
Effects of silane application on the shear bond strength of ceramic orthodontic brackets to enamel surface
Abstract : 1103
PDF : 1491
Alkaline phosphatase expression during relapse after orthodontic tooth movement
Abstract : 2891
PDF : 1664
Profil jaringan lunak wajah kasus borderline maloklusi klas I pada perawatan ortodonti dengan dan tanpa pencabutan gigi (Facial soft tissue profile on borderline class I malocclusion in orthodontic treatment with or without teeth extraction)
Abstract : 1669
PDF : 3812
The effect of fixed orthodontic treatment with Edgewise and Straightwire techniques on white spot lesions incidence and accumulation of Streptococcus mutans bacteria
Abstract : 1591
PDF : 1144
1 - 14 of 14 items