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Composite resin shear bond strength on bleached dentin increased by 35% sodium ascorbate application
Abstract : 1480
PDF : 1104
The effect of soda immersion on nano hybrid composite resin discoloration
Abstract : 1579
PDF : 1341
Effects of different saliva pH on hybrid composite resin surface roughness
Abstract : 1372
PDF : 1004
Shear bond strength of self-adhering flowable composite on dentin surface as a result of scrubbing pressure and duration
Abstract : 855
PDF : 1057
Compressive strength resin komposit hybrid post curing dengan light emitting diode menggunakan tiga ukuran lightbox yang berbeda
Abstract : 1671
PDF : 5190
Effects of filler volume of nanosisal in compressive strength of composite resin
Abstract : 2446
PDF : 1588
Color stability of visible light cured composite resin after soft drink immersion
Abstract : 708
PDF : 902
The different effects of preheating and heat treatment on the surface microhardness of nanohybrid resin composite
Abstract : 2789
PDF : 1438
Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) gel extract as an antioxidant on the shear bond strength of a resin composite post-bleaching application with 40% hydrogen peroxide
Abstract : 1810
PDF : 937
Anterior makeover on fractured teeth by simple composite resin restoration
Abstract : 1703
PDF : 1369
Effects of alkalisation and volume fraction reinforcement of Bombyx mori silk fibre on the flexural strength of dental composite resins
Abstract : 1359
PDF : 1074
The difference between porcelain and composite resin shear bond strength in the administration of 4% and 19.81% silane
Abstract : 879
PDF : 1442
Sifat fisik hidroksiapatit sintesis kalsit sebagai bahan pengisi pada sealer saluran akar resin epoxy (Physical properties of calcite synthesized hydroxyapatite as the filler of epoxy-resin-based root canal sealer)
Abstract : 1970
PDF : 2646
The application of methacrylate resin and the derivation as restorative material of damaged tooth tissue
Abstract : 494
PDF : 708
The surface roughness difference between microhybrid and polycrystalline composites after polishing
Abstract : 498
PDF : 492
Effects of glycerin application on the hardness of nanofilled composite immersed in tamarind soft drinks
Abstract : 1536
PDF : 2186
Pengaruh ketebalan bahan dan lamanya waktu penyinaran terhadap kekerasan permukaan resin komposit sinar (Effects of materials thickness and length of light exposure on the surface hardness light-cured composite resins)
Abstract : 2742
PDF : 17694
Shear bond strength between porcelain and nano filler composite resin with or without 9% hydrofluoric acid etching
Abstract : 496
PDF : 498
Potential of 5% tamarind extract gel as an etching agent: tensile strength and scanning electron microscope (SEM) evaluation
Abstract : 1366
PDF : 983
Pengaruh posisi dan fraksi volumetrik fiber polyethylene terhadap kekuatan fleksural fiber reinforced composite (The effect of position and volumetric fraction polyethylene fiber on the flexural strength of fiber reinforced composite)
Abstract : 2012
PDF : 1972
The effect of UDMA and Bis-GMA irradiation period on residual monomers in resin packable composite
Abstract : 1367
PDF : 1211
The difference in microleakage levels of nanohybrid composite resin using eighth-generation ethanol and isopropanol solvent bonding materials under moist and dry conditions (in vitro study)
Abstract : 1302
PDF : 1079
Perlekatan koloni Streptococcus mutans pada permukaan resin komposit sinar tampak (The adherence of Streptococcus mutans colony to surface visible light composite resins)
Abstract : 2009
PDF : 26907
Restorasi mahkota logam dengan pasak fiber komposit pada molar permanen muda (Metal crown restoration with fiber composite post in young permanent molar)
Abstract : 3352
PDF : 11010
Tensile bond strength of hydroxyethyl methacrylate dentin bonding agent on dentin surface at various drying techniques
Abstract : 823
PDF : 777
The aesthetic management of a midline diastema with direct composite using digital smile design, putty index and button shade technique: A case report
Abstract : 2536
PDF : 1196
Comparative effect of different types of artificial teeth and the effect of different surface treatments on the shear bond strength to CAD/CAM denture base
Abstract : 19
PDF : 17