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The correlation analysis of dental caries, general health conditions and daily performance in children aged 2-5 years old
Abstract : 2644
PDF : 1594
Uji sensitivitas dan spesifisitas perangkat lunak "Prediktor Karies Anak” (The sensitivity and specificity test of software for dental caries prediction in children)
Abstract : 2189
PDF : 2222
Detection of caries and determination of treatment needs using DentMA teledentistry: A deep learning approach
Abstract : 781
PDF : 537
Building team agreement on large population surveys through inter-rater reliability among oral health survey examiners
Abstract : 1955
PDF : 1284
The distribution of Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus in children with dental caries severity level
Abstract : 5130
PDF : 2332
Assessment of behavioral factors associated with dental caries in pre-school children of high socioeconomic status families
Abstract : 3940
PDF : 1754
The correlation between dental caries and serum iron (Fe) levels in female students of Mamba'ul Khoiriyatil Islamiyah (MHI) Madrasa in Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Abstract : 1972
PDF : 1388
The effect of peer support education on dental caries prevention behavior in school age children at age 10-11 years old
Abstract : 1451
PDF : 1261
The role of Hsp0, CD-8 and IFN-γ in immunopathobiogenesis of periapical granuloma in dental caries
Abstract : 1270
PDF : 816
Correlation of predictions to get a new dental caries with residence area and parental socio-economic conditions in adolescents in Sleman DIY
Abstract : 843
PDF : 719
Perceived parenting style and mother's behavior in maintaining dental health of children with Down syndrome
Abstract : 2418
PDF : 1433
Socioeconomic characteristics of the parents and the risk prediction of early childhood caries
Abstract : 1611
PDF : 1372
The development of early childhood caries impact on quality of life-Indonesia instrument as assessment instrument of dental caries impact on quality of life of children aged 3-5 years based on Indonesian community characteristics
Abstract : 2003
PDF : 1954
Indonesian version of caries management by risk assessment mobile application "SKOR GIGI” in highly educated parents
Abstract : 1356
PDF : 610
Prevalensi early childhood caries dan severe early childhood caries pada anak prasekolah di Gunung Anyar Surabaya (The prevalences of early childhood caries and severe early childhood caries in preschool children at Gunung Anyar Surabaya)
Abstract : 5369
PDF : 12549
Pencegahan primer pada anak yang berisiko karies tinggi (Primary prevention in children with high caries risk)
Abstract : 24014
PDF : 24831
The colony number of Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus in saliva of dental caries and free caries children
Abstract : 1016
PDF : 857
Prevotella intermedia and Porphyromonas gingivalis in dental caries with periapical granuloma
Abstract : 3942
PDF : 3057
Differences of Streptococcus mutans adhesion between artificial mouth systems: a dinamic and static methods
Abstract : 1269
PDF : 1286
Identifikasi epitop dari Streptococcus mutans terhadap sekretori Imunoglobulin A saliva (The identification of Streptococcus mutans epitopes to secretory Immunoglobulin A saliva)
Abstract : 1001
PDF : 2033
Gambaran densitas kamar pulpa gigi sulung menggunakan cone beam CT-3D (Description of pulp chamber density in deciduous teeth using cone beam CT-3D)
Abstract : 3366
PDF : 2756
Distribution of class ii major histocompatibility complex antigenexpressing cells in human dental pulp with carious lesions
Abstract : 2193
PDF : 1124
Correlation between carbohydrate intake and dental caries in obese individuals
Abstract : 1531
PDF : 1015
Characterization of Streptococcus sanguis molecular receptors for Streptococcus mutans binding molecules
Abstract : 2555
PDF : 1859
Koreksi dimensi vertikal oklusal dengan modifikasi restorasi mahkota logam pada kasus severe early childhood caries (Correcting occlusal vertical dimension using modified stainless steel crown restoration in severe early childhood caries case)
Abstract : 5080
PDF : 6352
The correlation between untreated caries and the nutritional status of 6–12 years old children in the Medan Maimun and Medan Marelan sub-district
Abstract : 1721
PDF : 1095
The frequency of bottle feeding as the main factor of baby bottle tooth decay syndrome
Abstract : 2041
PDF : 1274