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Transforming growth factor beta 1 expression and inflammatory cells in tooth extraction socket after X-ray irradiation
Abstract : 1156
PDF : 1091
Anterior makeover on fractured teeth by simple composite resin restoration
Abstract : 1702
PDF : 1369
Analgesic effect of coconut shell (Cocos nucifera L) liquid smoke on mice
Abstract : 1759
PDF : 1559
FGF-2 expression and the amount of fibroblast in the incised wounds of Rattus norvegicus rats induced with Mauli banana (Musa acuminata) stem extract
Abstract : 1779
PDF : 1493
RANKL expressions in preservation of surgical tooh extraction treated with Moringa (Moringa oleifera) leaf extract and demineralized freeze-dried bovine bone xenograft
Abstract : 1325
PDF : 1175
The role of inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase in teeth periapical lesions immunopathogenesis caused by Enterococcus faecalis
Abstract : 675
PDF : 828
The severity and direction prevalence rate of patients with a mandible deviation compared to Cobb's angle
Abstract : 1327
PDF : 896
Chronic gingivitis and aphthous stomatitis relationship hypothesis: A neuroimmunobiological approach
Abstract : 1406
PDF : 1240
The effective concentration of red betel leaf (Piper crocatum) infusion as root canal irrigant solution
Abstract : 1569
PDF : 940
Induced pluripotent stem cells in periodontal reconstructive therapy: A narrative review of pre-clinical studies
Abstract : 422
PDF : 313
Wound healing induces VEGF expression stimulated by forest honey in palatoplasty Sprague Dawley
Abstract : 702
PDF : 493
The effect of spirulina gel on fibroblast cell number after wound healing
Abstract : 1103
PDF : 1002
Koreksi gigitan terbalik posterior dan anterior dengan alat cekat rapid maxillary expansion dan elastik intermaksila
Abstract : 4732
PDF : 11624
The correlation between exposure to cigarette smoke and the degree of mucosal epithelium-based dysplasia in Rattus norvegicus tongues
Abstract : 1689
PDF : 828
Antibacterial ability of arabica (Coffea arabica) and robusta (Coffea canephora) coffee extract on Lactobacillus acidophilus
Abstract : 5858
PDF : 2310
Oral field cancerization: Genetic profiling for a prevention strategy for oral potentially malignant disorders
Abstract : 575
PDF : 510
Degradation of Fusobacterium nucleatum biofilm and quantity of reactive oxygen species due to a combination of photodynamic therapy and 2.5% sodium hypochlorite
Abstract : 783
PDF : 449
Henoch-Schönlein purpura in children: its relation to oral and to oral and oral and dental health
Abstract : 1149
PDF : 2086
Karakterisasi stem cell pulpa gigi sulung dengan modifikasi enzim tripsin (The characterization of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth using trypsin enzym)
Abstract : 1779
PDF : 4258
Expression of bone morphogenetic protein-2 after using chitosan gel with different molecular weight on wound healing process of dental extraction
Abstract : 916
PDF : 1088
The potential of toothpaste containing Robusta coffee bean extract in reducing gingival inflammation and dental plaque formation
Abstract : 776
PDF : 429
Acid fast bacilli detected in the oral swab sample of a pulmonary tuberculosis patient
Abstract : 2351
PDF : 1130
Aplikasi teori belajar sosial dalam penatalaksanaan rasa takut dan cemasan anak pada perawatan gigi (Application of social learning theory in the management of children dental fear and anxiety)
Abstract : 5147
PDF : 11248
Management of zygomatic-maxillary fracture (The principles of diagnosis and surgical treatment with a case illustration)
Abstract : 1374
PDF : 2971
The role of purple leaves extract (Graptophyllum Pictum (L.) Griff) on the number of fibroblasts and blood vessels in the socket after tooth extraction
Abstract : 1033
PDF : 509
Autogenous tooth transplantation: an alternative to replace extracted tooth
Abstract : 1203
PDF : 1445