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1 - 6 of 6 items
Uji sensitivitas dan spesifisitas perangkat lunak "Prediktor Karies Anak” (The sensitivity and specificity test of software for dental caries prediction in children)
Abstract : 2190
PDF : 2222
Pencegahan primer pada anak yang berisiko karies tinggi (Primary prevention in children with high caries risk)
Abstract : 24015
PDF : 24833
Socioeconomic characteristics of the parents and the risk prediction of early childhood caries
Abstract : 1613
PDF : 1372
The frequency of bottle feeding as the main factor of baby bottle tooth decay syndrome
Abstract : 2041
PDF : 1274
Nickel ion release from stainless steel brackets in chlorhexidine and Piper betle Linn mouthwash
Abstract : 2827
PDF : 1217
1 - 6 of 6 items