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1 - 16 of 16 items
Effective dose of propolis extract combined with bovine bone graft on the number of osteoblasts and osteoclasts in tooth extraction socket preservation
Abstract : 1581
PDF : 1110
Contrasting efficacy of cocoa POD HUSK extract and 8% propolis extract in maintaining of root canal wall cleanliness
Abstract : 886
PDF : 992
The expressions of NF-kb and TGFb-1 on odontoblast-like cells of human dental pulp injected with propolis extracts
Abstract : 1531
PDF : 1306
The effect of a combination of propolis extract and bovine bone graft on the quantity of fibroblasts, osteoblasts and osteoclasts in tooth extraction sockets
Abstract : 2819
PDF : 1875
Propolis extract as pulp capping material enhances odontoblast-like cell thickness and type 1 collagen expression (in vivo)
Abstract : 2236
PDF : 1533
Genotoxicity test of propolis extract, mineral trioksida aggregat, and calcium hydroxide on fibroblast BHK-21 cell cultures
Abstract : 1022
PDF : 1250
The effect of propolis extract and bovine bone graft combination on the number of osteoclast and osteoblast as an effort to preserve post-extraction socket (on Cavia cobaya)
Abstract : 2082
PDF : 1646
Anti-glucan effects of propolis ethanol extract on Lactobacillus acidophillus
Abstract : 1437
PDF : 1163
The thickness of odontoblast-like cell layer after induced by propolis extract and calcium hydroxide
Abstract : 1835
PDF : 2646
The cleanliness differences of root canal walls after irrigated with East Java propolis extract and sodium hypoclorite solutions
Abstract : 1563
PDF : 1304
Evaluation of physical properties of glass ionomer cement modified by ethanolic extract of propolis
Abstract : 400
PDF : 241
An effective concentration of propolis extract to inhibit the activity of Streptococcus mutans glucosyltransferase enzyme
Abstract : 897
PDF : 815
Proliferation of odontoblast-like cells following application of a combination of calcium hydroxide and propolis
Abstract : 1323
PDF : 1096
Aktivitas antibakteri flavonoid propolis Trigona sp terhadap bakteri Streptococcus mutans (in vitro) (In vitro antibacterial activity of flavonoids Trigona sp propolis against Streptococcus mutans)
Abstract : 14798
PDF : 17530
1 - 16 of 16 items