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1 - 11 of 11 items
Cytotoxicity difference of 316L stainless steel and titanium reconstruction plate
Abstract : 1923
PDF : 1059
Pelepasan ion nikel dan kromium kawat Australia dan stainless steel dalam saliva buatan (The release of nickel and chromium ions from Australian wire and stainless steel in artificial saliva)
Abstract : 3156
PDF : 4385
Nickel release and the microstructure of stainless steel orthodontic archwire surfaces after immersion in detergent and non-detergent toothpaste: an in vitro study
Abstract : 2509
PDF : 1315
Nickel ion release from stainless steel brackets in chlorhexidine and Piper betle Linn mouthwash
Abstract : 2861
PDF : 1234
Koreksi dimensi vertikal oklusal dengan modifikasi restorasi mahkota logam pada kasus severe early childhood caries (Correcting occlusal vertical dimension using modified stainless steel crown restoration in severe early childhood caries case)
Abstract : 5089
PDF : 6361
The influence of artificial salivary pH on nickel ion release and the surface morphology of stainless steel bracket-nickel-titanium archwire combinations
Abstract : 2214
PDF : 1556
Comparative evaluation of stress generation in primary teeth restored with zirconia and BioFlx crowns: A finite element analysis
Abstract : 1751
PDF : 676
Increase of collagen in diabetes-related traumatic ulcers after the application of liquid smoke coconut shell
Abstract : 1999
PDF : 1808
1 - 11 of 11 items